Przemek is putting out stuff faster then Intel
I have a few questions on the current software:
1)What is the purpose for the "normal" and "maximum" temp setting? Are the fans temperature controlled or are they at a set speed?
What should the default fan speed read at? If I set it to 220 & either probe it or read data from lamps after connection, it defaults back to 65.
If I set it to max which is 255, it will probe or read data from lamps after connection & default back to 100.
Any set speed under "155" will result in an error message.
2)In the ACP panel under moonlight settings, If I set & enable both lamps to the date of the "last" full moon, the center strip (moonlight) behaves differently on both lamps. One lamp will be at a bright moonlight setting and the other would be in total darkness (off). If I play around with the dates on one lamp, I can get them to match but they differ by about 20 days?
3)In the PAR programming, I set 10 points to simulate cloud cover 5x a day. Basically it was set as an example:
12:30 - 50%
12:45 - 100%
14:30 - 50%
14:45 - 100%
16:30 - 50%
16:45 - 100%
18:30 - 50%
18:45 - 100%
20:30 - 50%
20:45 - 100%
So 15 minutes of simulated cloud cover at 50% lamp power but when 12:30 or 14:30 comes, the lamp dims to 50% but only for maybe 30 seconds and then back to 100%
Am I programming the option incorrectly?
I have the values set in the PAR table and have PAR programming selected under additional settings.