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north jersey
Rating - 100%
390   0   0
the high and mighty's on their soapboxes chastising a newbie for mistakes they themselves had committed when they didn't know any better....lol....
the expert who actually is a moron....lol....
morons who keep insisting that they are correct when it's very obvious (to the rest of the world) that they are wrong....lol....
a know it all....lol....
a holes....lol....

peeple widout cense of humur?!?!?!?!....lol....

why can't i delete this post....ah hell someone probably already had quoted this.....the mods can still see this anyway......oh well.....sarcasm misinterpreted.....lol....

those who don't capitalize nor use a period.....lol....
those who put lol after every sentence.....lol....
those who put ....... after every sentence........lol....
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renegade reefer
Rating - 100%
250   0   0
put up things for sale or for free and then put a condition like need this gone asap then thay say I won't be around till next week or free to a good home then they say I would reather give some one thats more quilfy or someone that they know ??


Rating - 100%
250   0   0
free to a good home then they say I would reather give some one thats more quilfy or someone that they know ??

theres nothing wrong with that no? if u had a horse would u give it to some one who lived in an apartment over some one who owns a ranch just cause they ask first?

i definitely agree with the first part tho.


Rating - 100%
243   0   0
Back to the topic...
1. Assuming the location on your profile is where items will be picked up, that are sold without asking.:irked: ''I'll pass man, you're too far''.
2. Thinking that reef ratings are medals of honor. Btw i sent you a +1 rating a long time ago, i'm still waiting for mine.:irked:
3.Should have ,could have ,would have if my tank was bigger/smaller ,if you had a male/female ,if you had a blue one ,if i had the space ,if i had a car ,if i had the money, if i had better lighting, if i had substrate, if, if, if ,if, if, if.


Skimmer Freak
poughquag, ny
Rating - 99.4%
168   1   0
dislikes : all the people that jumped from a neighboring site to this one because they couldnt sell stuff on tha site unless they were paid members, and only post on here to sell


Rating - 99.4%
168   1   0
u know what really grinds my gears.....when someone post a thread asking for help and in the first page its resolved BUT since ppl dont like to read through the prior post they continue to post solutions to a problem that was solved, and before u know it the thread has +5 pages and all the post from page 2-5 say the same damn thing.


Rating - 100%
165   0   0
When people post the same solution to a problem that has already been resolved because they don't read the thread and end up with 5+ pages saying the same thing


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