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This is great stuff Lol..Remember now have a sense of humor don't take it personal or else you'll get a spanking from the Chief...:wink1:


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Someone post despicable pic of their reef/fish tanks and members say, ''your tank is looking good man''.:eek: Tell the truth ,the tank looks like crap...


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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1)People who are to lazy to use the search function on this site but than take the same amount of time or even more to create a thread on it.

2) People who think their post count actually means they know what there talking about. It only means you gave incorrect information or useless dribble that many times!


cephalopod enthusiast
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2) People who think their post count actually means they know what there talking about. It only means you gave incorrect information or useless dribble that many times!

+(regarding post counts) people who think that those who don't have post counts within the thousands don't know what they're talking about. Some really knowledgable people join the site, but some disagreeing know it alls will attack them as soon as they post saying "U ONLY HAVE X AMOUNT OF POSTES, WUT DO U NO?"

-just the attitude of some people here. It's great that you've been in the hobby for 4852038 years, but that doesn't mean that your way of doing things is the only way, and people who are doing it a different way are not necessarily wrong.


-People who always give terrible advice and obviously have NO idea what they're talking about, who decide to regurgitate what a consistently knowledgable member says right after they say it. For example (not direct quotes, obviously)
"I would advise against buying a Catalina goby for your reef tank. L. dalli are notoriously hard to keep alive as they are a temperate species who require temperatures below 70 degrees. Most corals cannot survive at these temperatures, so it is best to leave this specimen in the ocean or provide a dedicated tank if you should choose to purchase it."

"yeah man them cattalinaes r hard 2 keep cuz there a temparate species u culd try to keep it at 74 mayb it wud probly be fine ur corals mite to but i wouldnt want to risk it cuz thats a waist of $$$ they shuld just be left wear they r u culd find alot of other kool gobys ne way "



Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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LOL I like this thread..Hey Chief..Tell us how you REALLY feel?

+1 tentacles I think everyone knows that the terrible grammar on here has been irritating for me since I first came on here. I don't know how people go through life not knowing how to spell. PunCtuation is one thing but spelling..come on!
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MR's Greatest Member
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LOL I like this thread..Hey Chief..Tell us how you REALLY feel?

+1 tentacles I think everyone knows that the terrible grammar on here has been irritating for me since I first came on here. I don't know how people go through life not knowing how to spell. Puntuation is one thing but spelling..come on!
When people complain about spelling and then misspell Punctuation LOL


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Thieves, liars and Aiptasia...:irked: Oh! and the sad stories...
1.I don't like to be sold aiptasia ,flat worm, red bugs etc. with my coral or given to me for free...:irked:
2.Someone want to ID some kind of red slimy algae ...:irked: I wonder why? :scratch:


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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I hate when people sell GRIMEY equipment. Disgusting pumps,tanks just filthy nasty stuff w/ all kinds of filth caked on to it. Give it a rinse in the first place BEFORE you store it. A little dust is one thing but come on..it's not that hard to soak something in a lil bleach/vinegar water.

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