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No offence intended just want to hear what members don't like, with a sense of humor ok.:fishhit: :wink1:
2.Two or more blury pics of the same item, :irked: what's up with that ?One is enough ?Lol.
3.When someone hijack a For Sale thread and say,''I have the same thing you will like it alot, you won't be dissapointed.'':irked: How do you know that ?
4.''You won't be dissapointed''.Well i am. :lol2:


Advanced Reefer
oceanside, NY
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Things people do
1. I will see you in an hour and then never show - my personal favorite
2.Coral that is dying(bad shape) being sold. - for a what a healthy coral should cost!
3.wtb threads asking for free stuff.
4.Bumping a thread 10 times a day when not one person has shown interest

Things people say
1. O its just bleached bc my lights are too strong
2. Dump instead of bump(whats up with that?)

:scratchchIm sure I have more

Dont worry there is a Lot more that I like ;)
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When people show up to buy something and then try to talk you down to half the price you asked. And also try to buy everything in your tank even after you tell them it's not for sale.


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Staten Island
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+1 on no shows

"What you see is what you get" then when you get there what you saw is NOT what you get!

people who post one price on the post then when you get there they try to rip you off.

People who run their mouths and complain about others strictly out of jealousy they are making a few sales or because they cannot compete with their prices.

People who sell livestock that dies quickly and then do not want to compensate people for it. IF YOU SELL A PRODUCT STAND BY IT. BOTTOM LINE


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+1 on no shows

"What you see is what you get" then when you get there what you saw is NOT what you get!

people who post one price on the post then when you get there they try to rip you off.

People who run their mouths and complain about others strictly out of jealousy they are making a few sales or because they cannot compete with their prices.

People who sell livestock that dies quickly and then do not want to compensate people for it. IF YOU SELL A PRODUCT STAND BY IT. BOTTOM LINE
I agree with qall except the livestock part, Not that I have sold anything that has died, But you never know what people do with stuff when it leaves your sight. I once saw a guy at a LFS buy a purple tang go to his car, Sit in it for roughly 5 minutes get out with a dead purple tang and try to get a repalcement or refund. The living healthy tang was sitting in his front seat in plain view.


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Not as common but irritating nonetheless, how about people who give advice based on what they read and NOT based on personal experience. Even worse, when they feel their google knowledge gives them the right to berate newbies in that air of godliness we all know of.

ask for help then do completely the opposite

refuse to do any actual research on their own


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Selling fish or coral and don't know the names and prices.That must be a ahhhhhhhh! This will sometimes work in your favor but sometimes not.:D


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lol I just quoted you so I could point out an opposite peeve. I can't even recall anyone in particular, I just see it every now and then.

How about when every day on your lunch break you point out the dead fish at the lfs and they continue in the same spot day after day.


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so you're saying that he had a dead purple tang in the car and he swapped them? lmao
Yea he tried to swap them, but I guess when you bring in a fish in a completely different bag(ziplocks) and then tell the manager it died on the way home. I guess you should have an excuse for why you changed the bag the fish was in on the ride home. And also try to hide the living one sitting on your front seat in plain view.
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when you are selling something and someone shows interest gives a date never shows up bcuz they dont have time they too busy..as soon as u put it up for free you get a text n reefberry like crazy ill come pick it up tomorrow...

make u take a dozen pics take measurements then tell u ill let u know if anything...


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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when you are selling something and someone shows interest gives a date never shows up bcuz they dont have time they too busy..as soon as u put it up for free you get a text n reefberry like crazy ill come pick it up tomorrow...

make u take a dozen pics take measurements then tell u ill let u know if anything...

LOL WERD! Don't you know that FREE is the Magic word? People will jerk you around and make you take 100 pics if it's 10 miles away then won't show up but they'll drive 100 miles to get something free on the spot.

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