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DRZL said:
that info about being Lebanese was great food for thought, she also told me her father asked her to leave the hooters job, because he thought it was degrading.

if you do go out with her, you will find a lot more of that. while of course offspring living in the US eventually assimilate and pick up modern cultures, Lebanese are very nationalistic and consider themselves as a higher class (compared to other arab cultures).

If you do end up going out with her, you will be reminded more than once that "Beirut used to be the Paris of the Middle East" this was indeed true way before it has gotten destroyed in multiple wars (both civil wars and those with Israel). Nevertheless, being on the mediteranian and doing a lot of commerce with europe kept it ahead of backward nations such as Syria. This also has a lot to do with their current feud with Syria which is still in a dictatorial/militaristic mode compared with Lebanon which is attempting to bring Beirut back to it prior glory and modernize the country (to an extent).

there, now that you got yourself a little more background, you will have what to discuss. If you ever get stuck in conversation, ask her about lebanon and she will ramble on.

was she born there? or were her parents from there?


Fish and Coral Killer
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jhale said:
sort of, the older you get the less important sex becomes, at that point you are together for the companionship, imo, and that is based on the previous years of being together which will work better if there is good sex, see how it's all tied together.

But they supposedly target the blue pill after the older folks.. So it is still somewhat important, as long the pill and subsequent activity does not cause physical harm:lol:.


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jhale said:
okay how about gas profits, specifically the 10bil exxon/mobil made in profits while crying about how katrina was hurting their business and jacking the prices up on us, can we talk about that ;) maybe in the gas thread, bring it back.

well i bet you those guys get good sex, if their wives are no good, they can marry another one 30 yrs younger. heck i would marry one of those guys for all that money, er, actually, on second thought i take that back. what i meant to say was that i would marry those guys for all that GAS!

and why do we need so much gas?

so that we can leave the engine running with the heat on while having sex in the back seat.

you're right, it does come together.


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inkblue said:
seriously... sex is 90% of a (long teRm) relationship :smokin:
somewhat every true ,,Let me ask you guys and girls ,,
you are in love with your mate ,but the sex sux.everytime you think you are going to have good sex ,but it just sux ,are you going to stay or walk away?
How do you spend the rest of your life loving someone and have bad sex ,
Yes Loving and being loved is one of the best feelings ,but so iis sex ,so what do you ,,,,

AL ,stated that 90% is money ,,,i agree with that more then sex ,but that where cheating comes in ,,,Rich guys who only think about making money are not home to have sex or make love to wifey ,so wifey gos elsewhere ,,and same for the man ,,if the women sux in bed ,then he is onthe cheating game ,so both are ture ,but money plays more of a roll i think ,,,

Thinking about guys ,,,,Womens piont of view ,,Big Penis ,,or Big bankaccount ,ask which one she want ,, :scratchch


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it was not even winter yet, don't use the back seat analogy, lol.

just say they are greedy bastards and leave it at that :P

Cali, if I'm married, in my 80's and my wife is my age, I don't think I want the blue pill, that's a visual I can do without. I'm sure it goes the other way as well.
now if your married in your 80's and your wife is in her 20's to 40's then your an oil man and probably own the company that makes the blue pill as well.


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how bad could sex be? i could see this being more of a problem for girls as they require a lot more work to be satisfied, but for a guy, any quickie will do.
i am sure that there is some sort of poll out there that will show that more mariages crash due to financial incompatibilities than sexual incompatibilities.

then again, with statistics, i am sure there is a way to find another poll showing the opposite results.


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jhale said:
if I'm married, in my 80's and my wife is my age, I don't think I want the blue pill, that's a visual I can do without. I'm sure it goes the other way as well.
now if your married in your 80's and your wife is in her 20's to 40's then your an oil man and probably own the company that makes the blue pill as well.

the man has a point (pun intended)


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cali_reef said:
I think the younger partner (hot 20 year old) will be doing all the work:sgrin:, I don't think many 80 year old can move that much.

they shouldnt have to do the work, they are the ones paying!


Bronx, New York
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jhale said:
Shrimpluva, hey, for the record I've had two long term relationships start from first dates that ended in sex, and this was not something I did all the time before any conclusions are drawn. I think if two people are single and attracted to each other then..., well you get the idea. I would not go on a first date expecting that to happen, but if it does then so be it.


i would have to agree with J. the day i met one of my girlfriends from a long term relationship things got pretty hot....we were young what can i say.we did the nasty before the week was over (i met her at the beginning of the week, lol).i love this woman, she is now my wife and mother of my 1.5 daughters.i plan on spending the rest of my life with her.

some might say a girl isn't wify material if she gives it up fast, but i don't like double standards.i like to think of myself as a good catch, and the fact that i'm willing to have sex before we get to know each other more in depth doesn't take away from what i may have to offer.definitely didn't take away from what my wife has to offer.

just wanted to throw that in.

btw 10 billion is a sh!+ !0ad of $$$. that's only the supposed profit from one company, i'm sure it's alot more.oh well, we are already on the topic of sex.....everybody drop your pants bend over and continue to get pumped by the gas companies.....lol


Bronx, New York
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i hope to be having sex at the age of 80. after asking my wife and my cousins wife the same question they both responded with "yes".they even said it would be better cuz then they would just have to take of their dentures.


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joseney21 said:
btw 10 billion is a sh!+ !0ad of $$$. that's only the supposed profit from one company, i'm sure it's alot more.oh well, we are already on the topic of sex.....everybody drop your pants bend over and continue to get pumped by the gas companies.....lol

amen to that, I'm bent over so far I can kiss my own a$$.


Live Sale Pioneer
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joseney21 said:
i would have to agree with J. the day i met one of my girlfriends from a long term relationship things got pretty hot....we were young what can i say.we did the nasty before the week was over (i met her at the beginning of the week, lol).i love this woman, she is now my wife and mother of my 1.5 daughters.i plan on spending the rest of my life with her.

some might say a girl isn't wify material if she gives it up fast, but i don't like double standards.i like to think of myself as a good catch, and the fact that i'm willing to have sex before we get to know each other more in depth doesn't take away from what i may have to offer.definitely didn't take away from what my wife has to offer.

just wanted to throw that in.

btw 10 billion is a sh!+ !0ad of $$$. that's only the supposed profit from one company, i'm sure it's alot more.oh well, we are already on the topic of sex.....everybody drop your pants bend over and continue to get pumped by the gas companies.....lol

Jose nice speech :lol:...but im wondering how you have 1.5 daughters????? :shhh: :confused:


Advanced Reefer
Vernon, NJ
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shrimpluva said:
I like Alberts advice MUCH better. The truth of the matter is the girl you will fall in love with wont be the type that sleeps with you on the first date. There needs to be something to look foward to and anticipate. Have fun with the dating part there will be plenty of time for sex if the dates go well. You are probly right about the fact that she has been hurt but she must have strong values and you need to earn trust it doesnt come easily these days since most guys just want to get laid. good luck
well said!

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