DRZL said:that info about being Lebanese was great food for thought, she also told me her father asked her to leave the hooters job, because he thought it was degrading.
if you do go out with her, you will find a lot more of that. while of course offspring living in the US eventually assimilate and pick up modern cultures, Lebanese are very nationalistic and consider themselves as a higher class (compared to other arab cultures).
If you do end up going out with her, you will be reminded more than once that "Beirut used to be the Paris of the Middle East" this was indeed true way before it has gotten destroyed in multiple wars (both civil wars and those with Israel). Nevertheless, being on the mediteranian and doing a lot of commerce with europe kept it ahead of backward nations such as Syria. This also has a lot to do with their current feud with Syria which is still in a dictatorial/militaristic mode compared with Lebanon which is attempting to bring Beirut back to it prior glory and modernize the country (to an extent).
there, now that you got yourself a little more background, you will have what to discuss. If you ever get stuck in conversation, ask her about lebanon and she will ramble on.
was she born there? or were her parents from there?