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Day 30

Water test result:

Temp: 84
pH: 8.4
ammo: 0
NO2: 0
NO3 :0
CA: 650
Alk: 240
Density: 1.015


Nothing to report on this tank, other than the lion will be move to a 60 gallon tank over the weekend. He is now big enough to be with other fish.
I am hoping to get another small lion for this tank in the coming week, if not may be another clown.


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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

you need some edjamacation there, my friend...

a saltwater guppy is a guppy ACCLIMATED to saltwater-it's still a freshwater fish, with the obligatory FRESHWATER based protiens and amino acids, which are DIFFERENT than what saltwater fish have

feed your lion guppies regardless of what water they're simply living in, and it WILL develop health problems

please, don't try and tell people who've been doing this for 3 decades to think before they post-your ignorance is showing -i've sold more 'saltwater guppies' than you will ever buy, most likely :)


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yup yup. Vitz is right Guy.

Guppies can go both ways. They are not true salt water fish. Niether is a black molly but they can live in fresh or salt.
Thats because they are actualy LIGHT brackish fish that live in the basins and deltas of rivers that flow directly into the sea.
They have adapted to tolerate salt because it frequently floods their home. That dose not mean they eat the same things as a salt water fish does. They dont at all. They still eat their normal freshwater food stuffs.

BTW man if your paying twice as much for a guppy acclimated to full marine your getting the Richard Roundtree shaft of a life time my friend.
I would seriously consider slapping your supplier with a frozen tuna. 8O
:lol: Thats just advice not a slam ;)


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actually it's accumulations of fatty deposits around heart and liver due to lipid variations between fresh and saltwater species, but yes, a bad idea for long-term diet for a saltwater carnivore. Much like feeding your frog fried eggs, it may work for awhile but not good long term. You guys leave the fighting out in the sump where the real saltwater carnivores reside, we chill in the nano forum :)

I believe there are also environmental regulations of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) among the ecosystems. Limitations of this vitamin in marine species and amphibians affects neuroregulatory systems quickly and death follows.


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So some reason you people think I feed guppy for long term, I wonder where you get that idea from? I know you just assumed.

I believe I've posted the lion is now eating 100% P.E. Mysid shrimp, live feed only was done for the first two days after that is all P.E. Mysid.

fragmaster":3prsvoh1 said:
That dose not mean they eat the same things as a salt water fish does. They dont at all. They still eat their normal freshwater food stuffs.

That may be true in the wild, I feed my guppy when I do have them with marine plankton, enriched baby brine, P.E. mysid, flake food for saltwater and they eat it all.

vitz":3prsvoh1 said:
I've sold more 'saltwater guppies' than you will ever buy
That's true since I only get it when I need it. By any chance you work at a LFS? Which one?


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i've been working in lfs's, wholesalers, distributors, online retailers as a regular employee and management on and off since the late 70's, and will be doing the same until i die

(i think i've sold a few 10's of thousands of feeder guppies, and was selling 'saltwater guppies' and mollies for tank cycling well over 20 years ago, before the gimmick of using them as a 'true saltwater food' began by the shmucks who market them as such )

there is NO such thing as a saltwater guppy-there are freshwater guppies that live in saltwater, and you cannot alter a fish's protien/amino acid/hufa base structure

it's a false and misleading label ;)


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vitz":kkqfacpq said:
i've been working in lfs's, wholesalers, distributors, online retailers as a regular employee and management on and off since the late 70's, and will be doing the same until i die

Good for you. :)

Why do LFS, wholesalers and distributors put fish in a little cubical?
beside for easy catch, and why don't they feed the fish more often?


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Loaded question.
By any chance you work at a LFS? Which one?

baited response.
Good for you.

Why do LFS, wholesalers and distributors put fish in a little cubical?
beside for easy catch, and why don't they feed the fish more often?

We are headed right back to where this thread started off.

Which magazine is snakes product and tank going to be posted in ?


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Hate to say this: Go Ahead a post your crap on xxxxxxReefXXXXcentral and see what happens...bet your little treasure chest doesn't cut it there.

This is Reefs.org not 5.5+afewfishandasmallrockaliveforawhile.org

This is like me putting a tang in a 5.5 and seeing how long he/she lives.


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skylab1":r1wwmslp said:
vitz":r1wwmslp said:
i've been working in lfs's, wholesalers, distributors, online retailers as a regular employee and management on and off since the late 70's, and will be doing the same until i die

Good for you. :)

Why do LFS, wholesalers and distributors put fish in a little cubical?
beside for easy catch, and why don't they feed the fish more often?

er- your first question is basically a poor troll attempt

as to your 2nd question, i couldn't tell you-everywhere i worked-all of the fish were fed multiple times daily, w/the proper diet for each group-strict disease prevention and control protocols were always followed, even down to the feeder fish group (i've run stores w/a FEEDER loss of less than 5% :P )

stop grouping all stores together-each store's practices are determined by the owner and staff, nothing else-go ask the places you've seen not feed properly, etc as to why they don't-i'm not a mind reader :roll:


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most quality stores keep good care of the feeders because thats what those nice expensive fish eat ;)
You wouldnt build a rare hemi Cuda convertible then run 82 octane in it. You have to feed the beast properly to make it run properly :)


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brandon429":sbzylnxp said:
actually it's accumulations of fatty deposits around heart and liver due to lipid variations between fresh and saltwater species, but yes, a bad idea for long-term diet for a saltwater carnivore. Much like feeding your frog fried eggs, it may work for awhile but not good long term. You guys leave the fighting out in the sump where the real saltwater carnivores reside, we chill in the nano forum :)

I believe there are also environmental regulations of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) among the ecosystems. Limitations of this vitamin in marine species and amphibians affects neuroregulatory systems quickly and death follows.

I think there's a lot less fighting in the sump than in the GRD. For some reason, with this crowd, people get a lot more touchy about fish in a glass box than they do about religion or politics. 8O :lol:

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