Well, it's a long time since I posted here, but I have some updated pics.
My 46 bow was doing nicely, but I had a couple of problems.
First, by using the Eco-Complete, it was like putting MUD on the bottom. The second problem goes hand in hand with the first: CICHLIDS! They eat all the plants, and dig up the rest! So, the mud on the bottom became mud in the water, mixed with plant shreds.
Anyway, I changed the substrate to quartz sand, and removed the plants. Then I added a couple of logs extra, and some more hardy plants, but I'm not ready to post pics of that yet.
However, I have more pics of my 29g grown in, ans well as my 18g which has Endler's livebearers (related to guppies, and pretty rare to find), and some Koi angels.
First the 29, and one of the re-done 46: