All this talk of generators and back ups just keep in mind that a battery powered airstone can help you out quite a bit.
I am going to set up my generator on Sunday/Monday and have it all ready to go. I am going to eventually install an interface to plug right into my panel so I dont need to run cords. Just need to turn off the breakers that I don't want.
6500watt is enough to run my entire setup plus sump pump and other stuff...I will probably turn off the skimmer and just run the heaters and main pump...
I installed a gentran 10 circuit transfer switch a few years ago and its night and day better than extension cords. I power my entire house with it a 6500 watt generator but the best part is that i have power in less than 10 mins. not to mention you will have heat , hot water, lights, etc.
So I think ill be out of the hobbie very soon!I been on a 3 day man hunt but with work it's been hard to get places early enough, so no generator and no battery back up, my tank is done for :/ what else can I do! Plz some one help!
How long do you think a marine battery would last hooked up to a 1/15hp chiller (through an inverter)?
I wouldn't even consider running a chiller on that type of battery setup. Besides, I can't imagine the heat would be that excessive. Infinitely more vital to run pumps for circulation as opposed to a chiller.