Chris : Alk and pH go hand in hand, in most cases. A low alk will be generally acidic, and a high alk will be more basic. Now the use of a REAL buffer, not just some Sodium Bicarbonate like some people use (which is NOT a REAL buffer), is actually beneficial to your tank. Furthermore, what do you think they put in your Salt mix? NaCl only? I don't think so. Salt mixes all contain buffering ingredients. Also, a real buffer is a made not only of alk raising compounds like sodium carbonate or bicarbonate but also some metals like borate, strontium, magnesium just to name those. Furthermore, a buffer, a real one, will not raise your pH above the level it's supposed to even if you overdose it by accident.
Some salt mixes are better than others at buffering the pH at a "normal" level. In my case, whit the water I have,
Red Sea doesn't cut it. I always had to buffer my pH with Seachem Marine buffer 8.3. Otherwise, my pH would remain at 7.8.
On a general note, stories like a house to air tight that your aquarium can not get proper gas exchange is totally off the wall. People would die in those house by suffocation. Of course, I fully agree that an air tight tank is not the way to go but I doubt that this is the case here.
Guy : Given the type of answer you gave in this thread, I don't think that you can teach me anything in chemistry that I don't already know. You see, I studied the stuff and got a degree in it. pH and Alk, the interaction between the 2 is not an easy subject and is quite complex. I'm not about to start a paper on it either. I really don't have the time nor the energy to devote to such an activity. But fortunately for you, everything is there, on the web if you care to search and study it.
Frag : The "short bus"... I'm not on it and I don't have a ticket to get on. So swear to god all you want and ask me if I care... :lol: :lol:
And NOW... since you guys seem to know quite a lot about chemistry, how will he get his pH right? Remember, his pH is below "normal" day or night.
Final Note : Chris, I am keeping it civil. I just find it a bit hard to understand why some people in here feel the need to "make up" off-the-wall theories such as an air tight home and that using a buffer to correct your pH can cause more harm than good. If one is clueless as to why and how to fix it, I think that one should propbably read rather than post nonsense and make things more complicated than they already are. This is not helping the guy that asked the question, it's just creating confusion more than anything else. And if you take time to read the whole thread, you will see that I'm not the only one that thinks that some theories expressed here are simply deprived of any form of logic and are not factual. I tried my best to remain logic and factual in this thread but some people seem more interesting in starting a p*ssing contest than help the guy who asked a question. Not to mention being told I was 2 steps from the "short bus". But that's normal... happens all the time with the "click" or the "elite-long-time-member-I-can-say-what-I-want-and-you-are-not-to-debate-with-me" group.