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Attack mode? Nope, just another old salty that you won't belive, even though we all are telling you the truth.

I was stating the truth as it has been told to me by the FDA, USDA and my lawyers. I happen to have a deep and current knowledge of this area Dawn. To have you tell me the FDA isn't involved did chap my hide. I didn't just spend thousands to comply for nothing;)

The lack of doing your own search, gets on my nerves as well. You can hit google just as quick as I can. The FDA has a very comprehensive search feature as well.


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GreshamH":1sx0c7r9 said:
manny":1sx0c7r9 said:
Dawn":1sx0c7r9 said:
Greshamh- that applies to products for humans- not for fish- the FDA doesn't step in here. Slapshot- this is disheartening- I saw where some people- may have been on other forum- had to up the dose. keep us posted, please. Regards, Dawn.

If there's poison in it, they have to put a warning in case a kid drinks half a gallon of the stuff. No warning and either there is no poison in it, or the company is breaking some serious regulations.

Kick Ick doesn't have any poison in it though. If it did, it would kill corals and inverts.

I have to list every active ingredient in my product, regardless if it can kill anyone. I'm a fed producer though and subject to harsher labeling laws then a suppliment, but less then a medication, which is what they claim Kick Ich is. Being a medication, they have much harsher labeling guidelines then I do. There has been some movement on making it easy for minor use animal medications, but I doubt they're so loose as to let the manufacturers list no ingredients what so ever.

So why has kick ick been around for so long without such labeling?

Not to argue, but something's missing here...either from the regulatory standpoint or from the classification standpoint. Kick Ick doesn't have an ingredient label. Kick Ick is still on the market and sold all over the country. Therefore, either the FDA hasn't noticed, or it simply doesn't consider Kick Ick a "medication." Maybe it consider's it a "suplement."

The only thing I'm pretty sure of here, and you might agree with me, is that a product containing a substance that is a known poison if injested by human beings must have a label indicating that and this category of products is MUCH more strictly regulated. So following that logic, Kick Ick must not contain any poison in it. I don't think it does.

What's your take on that? You have some current first hand knowledge. You think the FDA forgot to check on them? :lol: Probably not right?


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Dawn":161bq6qj said:
Wow- talk about "Attack Mode" I just asked for the lnk. For example, in Fl, if you ask for the link for carrying concealed- I'll send you to the Fl. Dept. of Agriculure.(Strange place to find it)

Another Florida gun carrying psycho. :roll:

You people. :lol: :wink:


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There are lots of things the FDA doesn't notice but should. In the scheme of what the FDA does, I would guess enforcing label laws for a small fish medicine is not high on their list. :D


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Righty":33w6mrlj said:
There are lots of things the FDA doesn't notice but should. In the scheme of what the FDA does, I would guess enforcing label laws for a small fish medicine is not high on their list. :D

Good point. :lol:


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In doing some research on this, I found that the manufacturer claims that Kick Ick is a stable sollution of 5-nitroimidazole compounds.

nitroimidazole (which is the same as 5-nitromidazole, refering to the name of the compound and not that there are 5 different forms of it) is used as an anti-biotic and anti-parasitic agent. Usually it is used as a cream in the form of metronidazol or in a tablet form as an anti-protozoan.

If indeed Kick Ich containes this compound as its main ingredient, it actually makes sense that it would be used against marine Ich, since that disease is caused by a protozoan.

However, like most medications of this kind, the amount a human would have to consume in order to irradicate a protozoan from the body would be enough to kill the person. The medication usually combats the protozoan and lowers the numbers so that the immune system can fight the disease.

Along those lines, the amount of nitromidazole you would need to put in a tank to make it impossible for protozoans to survive would be massive and would surely kill corals, so Kick Ich must have a relatively low concentraion of the molecule in sollution.

If the concentration of the molecule in a treated tank was high enough, it would probably kill off some of the parasites before they could get to the fish and attach to them.

The Manny analysis of this is that, if nitromidazole is the active ich killing ingredient in Kick Ich, then Kick Ich should be treated by all of us kind of like a UV sterilization unit....we know it can help, but we shouldn't expect it to "cure" a system of ich.

So it stands that the only ways to "cure" a tank of Ich is still harsh poisons like copper, hyposalinity, and allowing the tank to run fishless, all of these for enough time to allow the parasites to go through a couple of life cycles.

If anyone else can do any better than that, please help. I know the bottle doesn't say nitromidazole, but the manufacturer includes it in the description of the product on a few websites if you goog it up.


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In addition, nitromidazole is as deadly to anearobic bacteria as it is to protozoans.

Assuming the levels are effective, Kick Ick should also have a negative effect on the bacteria that fixes nitrogen in our tanks.

I like not doing water changes, so I'd hate to do anything to that particular group of bacteria. :lol:


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Day 5- with Kick Ick- the tang is doing well today, still great appetite, and less signs of ick. No one else shows signs of infestation yet either. Slapshot- I hoped to hear how yours is doing. My husband went to the fish store where I got the tang, but not the Kick Ick, as it was too far away that day. The owner reported excellent results with the product- I'm still in a wait and see pattern!
I do not care to be called "another gun carrying psycho", we're talking about a hobby, here.


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FWIW, my powder blue tang came down with Ich Thursday of last week. It got worst on Tuesday of this week. Yesterday, the ich all but disappeared on its own. Today, the tang is totally ich-free.


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Dawn: I lost 3 fish this morning to Ich. Clown, Gramma and a Strawberry Grouper. The other 4 are very sick. Will proceed with the dip method tonight. kick Ich did not work for me. Very disappointed.


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Dawn, the fish was quarantined for too short a period of time (2 weeks). I admit I hastily added it to the tank because I wanted something to attack the algae. It was disease-free during QT and disease-free for the first week in the display tank. Then it developed ich which went away on its own after about a week. Historically, my fish have always been able to fend off diseases on their own.

I guess the point of my anecdote is that it's hard to attribute success to any product in an uncontrolled environment. Your fish could have very well healed on their own.

slapshot, sorry to hear that :(


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Dawn":kiy8upgm said:
I do not care to be called "another gun carrying psycho", we're talking about a hobby, here.

That was a joke...see my avatar and location? :wink: I'm a big CCW advocate and have held a permit for in our great state for many years. :D


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Len":3e8krgyf said:
FWIW, my powder blue tang came down with Ich Thursday of last week. It got worst on Tuesday of this week. Yesterday, the ich all but disappeared on its own. Today, the tang is totally ich-free.

Yikes. I hear PBTs are very prone to ich. How long have you had the fish Len? In what size tank? How big is it?
I've always wanted one, but the difficulty of keeping them scared me off and I got a yellow tang instead.


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in the 52x28x28 176 gallon. The tang is about 3.5" and doing very well. It still won't feed yet but I still have enough algae to sustain it for a few more weeks. I can always turn to nori.


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Tangs often break out with ich after you first add them IME. They heal on their own if the tank is stable and they aren't further stressed.

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