Some people are interpreting this totally wrong. The main concerns were not about "boring" topics or anythig like that. It was about stressing the fact to give good and great advice due to experience. It is also to stop with the petty arguments and price comparisons. A newbie should ask as many questions as they want, but the people answering should really know what they are talking about before answering. Someone new to this hobby will try what one person tells them, without really knowing why they have to do it that way. Next thing you know, thhey have even more problems, because they were confused with all the different answers they received. When i first started, and til this day, I still ask lots of questions. I also make sure I understand the answers that are given to me, so that I know what I need to be observing. Theres no need for the newbies to take offense to this thread because they were askin questions, that's not what this was about. Pauli quoted the important part of my thread. Read that over and over again and you will see exactly what I was trying to accomplish. And all those stealing my "I'm done" line..... I hate you all!! Hahahahaa!! I'm jp.. That 'line' is from Sammy from Jersey Shore. So imagine that line with her accent and I know you will end up laughing before reading this.
Thank you for this post Del.
I for one, when I go into a thread that I find uninteresting, or down right dumb I leave.
I recall a few years back I posted a thread requesting "personal experience, not what you have read, or heard". I got a lot of good answers that were helpful, yet there was one post that to this day still sticks in my memory banks that went something like: (I prefer to get my info from reading, not peoples experience........) I did feel that the response was meant as a little insult, but I took it with a grain of "salt", and kept on moving.LOL
I don't usually take the bait that trouble makers put out, not worth the time or energy.
Ever heard the saying: "Do not throw your pearls at swines".
Also, my dear old mother-inlaw taught me to never reduce myself to stupid people's status.
Disclaimer: The above is not meant as an insult to anyone!!!!!!!!:grouphug: