are you SERIOUS, THAT IS CRAZY wow I am never getting one nore do I want one, thank you for totaly popping that out of my head Kathy. I did not know that.
Are you aware that a
Mandarin requires 200-400 pods per DAY to survive?
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Synchiropus splendidus-Mandarin </TD></TR><TR><TD style="BACKGROUND: #ffffff" vAlign=top align=middle>
</TD><TD style="BACKGROUND: #ffffff; COLOR: #000000" align=left>Synchiropus splendidus-Mandarin
Dragonets are great reef fish, but they have special food requirements and unless you can supply them with live pods, most don’t make it. Some will start to eat brine shrimp, Spectrum Pellets or flake food, but most don’t and even those that do it’s usually not enough to keep them alive. They can be kept in tanks as small as 40gals with plenty of rock work and a good pods population. You can keep more than one in a tank but two males will fight. Males have an elongated first dorsal spine, whereas the female's is short and squarer looking. They have been breed in the aquarium with the male and female facing each other and then spiraling up towards the water surface. This usually happen late in the day or at night. Basically if you can’t supply them with a large population of live pods, you should think of not adding one to your reef tank.
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