My original plan was to put another hole in the sump, with a ball valve on it. The idea would be to place the valve at the precise level so that when open it would drain out the appropriate amount for a water change. Assuming that I already had the water, ready to go, a water change would only require me to open the valve on the sump and let it drain out, then turn on a pump that would be dedicated to moving water from the mixing container to the sump.
Putting a "T" on one of the over flow drains is not a bad idea. Not only is it one less hole , but I am already planning a "T" on the other one, so that i could run it into my skimmer. I would just need to watch how much water drained out.
Putting a "T" on one of the over flow drains is not a bad idea. Not only is it one less hole , but I am already planning a "T" on the other one, so that i could run it into my skimmer. I would just need to watch how much water drained out.