very nice the corals.....
i like a bluer spectrum tank...but your tanks is very blue or is it just the camera?

I had 14K Phoenix's when those pics were taken and my camera skills leave a lot to be desired.
Since the last pics were taken I switched bulbs twice, first I tried the 10K Ushio's (250's) for added growth but couldn't stand the yellow coloring. I bought a pair of Iwasaki 14K's at the NJ swap for a fantastic price and am much happier with the whiter color with a hint of blue. I took a couple of weeks to acclimate the corals over to the new lighting but ended up with a major loss (to me) of my favorite leather which I can see it at the top center of the tank in prior pics. I should have moved it lower in the tank during the acclimation. :banghead:
A couple of new wrasses were added (all full on fish now!) and maybe just a few more corals..I could still some rock in there you know! j/
Some of the pics below were of pieces I already had.
This guy has got to be my absolute favorite. The colors are sureal.
Coris gaimard
You might be hearing more about him soon....
One pic wasn't enough...
The other new fellow..Halichoeres ornatissimus..Ornate or Christmas Wrasse. Has been a model citizan since day one, sweet fish.
Recently added chalice, I cannot recall who I got it from...(sorry!)
Moved these watermelon chalice frags to a higher location last week and they're taking off in size already
This was a nice little find the center of the pic..(
it's really small!) is a baby sun coral. Considering this rock has never been near my sun corals, I have to imagine at the one point they were acting weird (a bunch suddenly died off & then I had many new little ones on the original colony)..they must have spawned and this little guy settled here 
He is on the underside of the rock.
Another last count I had 12..yikes!
Last one for tonight..FTS with the new bulbs
Will be updating the thread on my 33g ricordia cube soon..picked up Aaron's pair of clowns tonight (beyond cute!!) and they deserve an introduction

Do those guys EVER stop moving?? And you thought these pics were bad..they came out as
Thanks for looking!
....Hey Lissa...wanna trade your photo skills for a mesh cover for your new tank?