right now its a homemade setup ghetto as hell. homemade wooden canopy and wired up the dual 175w metal halide lighting myself. got too hot inside so i keep the lid open with kitchen hand towels shading the lights from making the room too bright held in place by stones placed on the canopy (im...
(CBS4) VIRGINIA KEY The South Florida man arrested and charged with illegally harvesting coral has bonded out of jail.
Alaine Salermo was arrested Thursday after Florida Fish and Wildlife officials found 300 pounds of live coral on his small boat near Crandon Marina on Virginia Key. His boat...
has anyone tried it? i was looking at it as a replacement for my 2 maxijet pumps but it seems everyone has written reviews for the 820 but noone has for the 1100. is there a reason for that?
1. moved into a new place
2. setup the tank at the new place
3. lost the job and presently cruising on unemployment while job hunting
4. temperature flux is greater in the spot it is now and corals are declining-- slowly (about a 83 F to 88 F temp flux daily) due to the same dual 175W metal...
Does anyone know of a book on saltwater fish that includes lots of information about the fish and the specific locations of where theyre from?
There are so many fish i see in the aquarium trade and it doesnt really specify the location they're from.
the same applies to softies. i mean where...
wow. that is a frickin SPECTACULAR DVD.
the thickets of blue acros look like plastic. i rented it on netflix. pretty frickin awesome. i may have to get myself a copy of that.
a long time ago i promised some people in the midwest id post pictures of our florida zoanthids exposed at low tide so they could see their natural habitat
here they are
has anyone considered using a mirror backing on the sides and back of your tank?
- bonus of added light for your corals
- allows you to see around your rockwork to see what is lurking behind
- gives your tank a greater appearance of depth like you would see on a real reef
would it be reef safe to have a food grade shrimp in your tank? i was given one by a friend out here in florida who caught it. i have it in a separate tank but id prefer to break that tank down and put it in my main reef but i dont want to if it would be dangerous.
ok i have 8 blue-green chromis now. 1 died i assume was eaten by the others during the period of time our power was out from hurricane wilma. i kept the whole system alive with a car battery, bilge pump and battery operated air bubbler
now its been a number of days that we've had power back and...
the car battery + bilge pump worked GREAT
i would use jumpers between the wires on the bilge pump and the terminals to connect it every couple of hours.
im told i couldve just left it connected with a deep cycle boat battery. also using one of those battery operated (takes 2 D cell batteries)...
has anyone tried using a walmart bilge pump as a powerhead? they seem like pretty reliable and decent water pumps and very inexpensive. they have the additional advantage that you can run them off a car battery if the power fails.
Poachers eased tsunami's path
David Adam, science correspondent
Wednesday August 17, 2005
The Guardian
Thousands of people were killed when the Boxing Day tsunami struck Sri Lanka because poachers had removed coral reefs that would have shielded the coastline from the worst of the waves...
put a smallish piece of liverock in your tank and let it encrust with all sorts of critters in a shady area. then let a friend borrow it.
good way to get your tank up and running fast with a bunch of critters and would work alot better than sand trading.
as i recall in the five years i had my...
cool tank setup isnt it?
haha. those are fungus not corals
check this out http://www.fungiphoto.com/CTLG/SYS1/K.illus.html
and this http://www.fungiphoto.com/CTLG/START.htm
i had NO IDEA fungus were that colorful or in that many forms. i kinda feel bad cuz those would be some really cool...
ive moved and my landlord is refusing to refund my security deposit on the fact he claims the tank caused humidity which caused a mold bloom. We did have a problem with mold but so did our neighbors across the way. There was a toxic mold problem and the apartment complex itself was rotting with...