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the car battery + bilge pump worked GREAT
i would use jumpers between the wires on the bilge pump and the terminals to connect it every couple of hours.

im told i couldve just left it connected with a deep cycle boat battery. also using one of those battery operated (takes 2 D cell batteries) air bubblers with one of those long blue rectangular air stones kept the oxygen levels high and the batteries lasted me with the power outages in katrina and now wilma which was much worse.

an interesting observation. i noticed my stony corals visibly grew more during the prolonged period of darkness.

ive been told most stony corals do their growing during the darkness so was the extra growth in response to stress (like how orchids flower when you stop watering them or fruit trees fruit after a cold snap) or was it due to the prolonged darkness equalling a prolonged growing cycle?

if thats true do you think you could mess with the growth rate by every once in awhile keeping the lights off for a day or so?


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I don't know about the extra growth on you stonies, but I am glad to hear your tank made it. :D

I used the D cell battery airstone to get my tank through Charley and Wilma. Those things are a godsend.


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