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Crakeur is from NYC, which is part of Manhattan. The Great Rupert needs a city geography lesson.

I am not going to be including in the order as I am setting up a massive order with Bryan for three tanks of my own but thanks for including me and, if I am able to attend, I might consider meeting y'all just for the sake of seeing all the reef geeks in one place.

If you are going to meet at grand central, might I suggest the oyster bar. Excellent food and sort of fitting, what with oysters being a reef dweller and all.


Senior Member
Fort Lee, NJ
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My thoughts are the same as Crakeur. I see this not just as a chance to get stuff cheap, but also as a chance to meet people with a same hobby.

Look, if you meet at someone's house, everyone can meet each other, and break up the corals evenly and whenever we are ready, all at a leisurely pace. If you meet at a public place like Grand Central, you'll need to separate everyone's order before hand, people are likely to want to take their stuff and go. It just seems much too rushed.

I guess I'm not really opposed to coming into the city, but just really against meeting at a public place.


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So when is this happening, I'm in for $50 if I can get a few morphs out of it. I work about 2 blocks from Grand central so meeting there is not a problem, its just so busy in there during the day, everyday.


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Will have pics ready by this weekend. I'll watch the first post in this thread until then for news.

TGRupert, you being the organizer, I'll email you the pics for distribution. Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it.

The Great Rupert AKA AM

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Originally posted by Crakeur:
Crakeur is from NYC, which is part of Manhattan. The Great Rupert needs a city geography lesson.
I always thought manhattan was part of NYC. i kinda remembered him being from manhattan, but couldn't remember what part of the city he actually is from.

The Great Rupert AKA AM

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here's how I think it will be best to choose corals. When bryan sends me the pics i'll post them on my web site and give time so EVERYONE can see them. istead of having a mad rush to claim corals we will have a draft. whoever is spending more gets to pick first. we will make picks ONE AT A TIME. so people spending the most money will be getting the LAST picks too. if you are only getting one or two frags then you will only be picking in the first and second rounds, just at the end of the round.

I don't know if i anm getting pictuires of every peice or a pic representing individual corals which there will be several of.

we'll have to wait for what bryan says, but if he doesn't have certain corals he may have them soon.

I am open to suggestions, critisism, taunts, death threats, and naked pictures of your ex-lover.

I too was thinking the oyster bar, but I suggested it for the NYC meet, but everyone shoot it down as too expensive. I usually just get the soup with all the oysters in it that costs 9 bucks. It's also loud. I would also prefer to meet at the opyster bar. IMO if you can afford to have a reef aquarium you can afford to buy some over-priced sea FOOD.


in the coral sea...
Union Square, NY
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Grand Central is a fine location. A bunch of us can go check out New World afterwards which is only a fwe blocks away.

I am working on a swap meet for sometime in March or early April. It will probably be in someone's apartment so we can take our time and split everything. There will also be a tank there if we need some additional water for bags.

Let me know what the plan is for the frags from Bryan.


The Great Rupert AKA AM

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This realy shouldn't be bragged about or mentioned to other people, BUT there will be a discount off of regular prices. the discounts, while ot set in stone willbe about 5 dollars off normal prices. Of coarse you can let others in the area. and the general public can know that there is free shipping. you can tell them that there may be discounts due yto the high volume (probably at least 500 dollars), but all details are on I don'yt know if there is a thread about this on RC or the other boards in the NY sections or livestock sections. If there was don't go talking about some crazy discount you are getting or they WILL disapear before they are official.


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Well, let me try and get some thoughts out here as it seems the volume is at or nearing 2x + what was originally expected. That's a great thing that won't go unrewarded, and I thank all those involved.

I must say I firmly believe everyone will get more for their money if I don't need to do all the fragging and individual pics and handling of emails wanting to "add a frag" = more custom pics which all equals mucho time.

Since the total seems to be hovering at around $500.00, that would get you 20 + a few bonus full size rocks. In that mix there would be at least 10-15 different morphs and a few of the same...but all nice and funky. Minimum frags from each rock is 2 if you simly break them in half, but most likely you will get 3-4 from each rock...some guys may wish to purchase it unbroken as I think all can be satisfied this way.

It simply takes someone willing to set up a 20 gallon or a couple 10's to hold them upon receipt until you guys all get together and do some fragging.

Talk to you soon, Bryan


in the coral sea...
Union Square, NY
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My concerns about this are that people are expecting a certain piece or at least a certain color when they order.

For example, I am interested in the red or bright orange/green zoanthids. Bryan has a LOT of nice pieces, but I already have several zoo colonies. I don't have room in my tank for pieces that I can't select personally.

If this screws up the order, then I would be happy to not take part in it this time and simply order direct so I can guarantee that I get what I want.

I have a feeling that others may feel the same way. I know the pictures are a lot of work, but anyone who has bought mail order knows that you sometimes do not get what you want and then have to trade or give away the piece to save the room in your tank.


The Great Rupert AKA AM

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I'd kinda like to pick everything out myself. if taking all the pictures is a drag you can take one picture of each type and let yus know how many you have of each i'm sure we will be fine.

The Great Rupert AKA AM

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dallas told me this
I'm in Manhattan, 12th street and 1st ave.
I may be willing to let you use my apartment for a Saturday meeting place since I don't think grand central will be all that accommodating.
(Caution: 5 story walkup!)
Let me know


Senior Member
Queens, NY
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Here's another idea:

Lower prices and free shipping are great, but I'm also in this because I want to get different morphs without spending a lot of money and to meet some other folks in the hobby. One way to do this is (1) get everyone to buy "shares" at $25 each, (2) frag the 2x2 squares that we're going to get to 4 - 1x1 squares to increase availability of different types of morphs, (3) divide the squares into x number of squares per share, then (4) give everyone the share that they bought. We can still trade afterwards to get more or less of what we want. That's part of the fun, right? This is just the concept. We need to figure this out with the specifics once we're done waiting for the confirmations. (How long are we going to wait?) I'd be willing to contribute more to even things out.

As for a place, I'm OK with Dallas' place. I need the exercise. Alternatively, my sis tells me that Grand Central has a common food area. We can either meet there or maybe at the info desk.

Where are the pics? When are we doing this?


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If it helps, I can allow the use of my office, even tho I won't be involved in the order. My office is located at 34th st and 7th Ave. Right across the street from Penn Station so every subway line can be accessed and most Jersey folk can get there as well.

Let me know and I will make sure to be here.

Also, if y'all do plan on making a trip to New World, bring extra cash as that place is way too expensive, except for their $20 acro frags. the one I snagged there had a tiny bit of decay about two days after I acclimated it but it has grown quickly and it doing real well.

In any event, I will allow my office to be used for any and all logical reef group purchases and, by the time you clowns get this all figured out, the 180 gallon tank should have plenty of zoos and ricordia in it courtesy of Sir Bryan and his fabulous funky morphs.

The Great Rupert AKA AM

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crakuer that sounds great. what if we had a few "half frags?"

there will be a picture of each type avalable, why not try to find someone who wants to go halfsies with you.

Also bryan usually has rocks with sveral morphs on one rock.


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wow. Hadn't been here in a while, this one really took off. Crakeur's office it is? The guy just gives and gives. Any concerned Jersey people can take the PATH from Hoboken/Jersey City. It will let you off on 33rd & 6th. If that's too much, you're all welcome to meet by me for an escort, but it will cost you a 15% share in your zoo order. I'm in. If for nothing else than to meet you all you Bo-Bo's.


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I seriously don't want in on the order. I have no room in my tank as it is. I am doing this to help facilitate the order and because I am just an all around good guy.

The Great Rupert AKA AM

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I figure we will all pay logical for our orders separatly. but if you want I will collect it and send you all postcards from mexico ;)


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TGrupert, half frags? What did Dice Clay say about that? you are either a frag or you aren't. No half frags. It's not like you wake up in the morning and flip a coin.. Heads hairpie, tails balls across the nose?

Sorry for the crudeness but I just couldn't resist. Besides, I know the Great Rupert has issues with the half part.

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