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The Great Rupert AKA AM

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that's 225 total preatty muchj a done deal considering some who were interested aren't even included.


Senior Member
Fort Lee, NJ
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I think we have enough!! Now we just need to agree on the details. I suggest that everyone send an email to whomever wants to organize the order and take our discussions there. I'll volunteer my services to organize the order, but I don't think my place is best to accept the delivery.

Any thoughts?


Experienced Reefer
Nultey NJ
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Who has the most centralized location for pickup?Sorry TGR I don't think we all wanna drive to West Chester to pick them up. I work evenings so I'd be the hardest to get. LoL anybody here work in logistics we need a cost analysis and Route efficency plan. :confused: ;) :D

The Great Rupert AKA AM

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Originally posted by SoS:
Who has the most centralized location for pickup?Sorry TGR I don't think we all wanna drive to West Chester to pick them up. I work evenings so I'd be the hardest to get. LoL anybody here work in logistics we need a cost analysis and Route efficency plan. :confused: ;) :D
house and I are in central westchster right onn the hudson. we represent 100 dollars. you are in northern new jersey right? house also works in manhattan. my father could bring back my stuff. he works right by NWA. What if we meet at grandcentral it would be VERY easy for me to get to. also if your cvlam died en route you could sell it to the oyster bar.


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Hey Guys,

Looks like it's coming together. Just wanted to pop in for a sec and say even though on my site I'm on "break" until Febuary (give or take), I'll still be available for emails about this group deal. Though I do feel for the logistics analyzer on this project

Talk to ya soon, Bryan


Experienced Reefer
Nultey NJ
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I'm new to the area and haven't been to manhatten in 8 years and never been to Grand Central. Aren't I a pain in the ass. Although it can't be that hard to get too. What's The best route from the lincoln tunnel I'm 5 miles from that.

[ January 12, 2003, 12:04 AM: Message edited by: SoS ]


Experienced Reefer
Nultey NJ
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Well I'm Counting 250 now


John Saul 25
SWW 25
TGR 75
SoS 100
Dragon 25
total 250

I can order at the earliest the weekend of the Jan 18th/19th or anytime after that.

[ January 12, 2003, 12:03 AM: Message edited by: SoS ]


Advanced Reefer
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I'm interested in being included in your group order. I only have one brown/green zoo in my tank and would love to add some more colorful ones. I'd be willing to put in $75-$100 for a small frag of each variety of zoo you order.

The Great Rupert AKA AM

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see the first post, i will be edfiting it to show the status of the deal. please confirm by PM or email


Senior Member
Fort Lee, NJ
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I don't like Grand Central either. That will just make it slightly inconvenient for everyone.

We are simply not going to find a place that's perfect for everyone.I actually think my place is the most centralized, but since I'm new with corals, I probably shouldn't be the one accepting the order.

I think if we can't agree on something soon, we should just meet at TGR's on a Saturday since he started it all. I personally rather go to Westchester than trying to park in the city any day. SoS, you can ride with me if you can get to my place. If the Manhattan guys don't have cars, we can try to work something out also.

The Great Rupert AKA AM

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dragon wrasse i was figuring everyone would take public transit. Purhaps you could find somone in your area that could pick up your corals and you would meet up with them. grand central seems to work great because a lot of the people here are in manhattan SWW told me it was good for him because he lives in queens and is taking public transit.

let me figure this out without actually getting peoples opinions

the following people (as ar as I know) are from
manhattan :
josh saul


can easaly get to gtrandcentral:
house of laughter

Dragon Wrasse

meeting on a weekend is probably most convienient for everyone, but it would cost more to get the poackage delivered on a saturday and if they EFED up we will be in trouble because we organuized to meet on a particular day.

Does anyone know how long we can leave the coral in the bag it comes in floating in the tank? House and I live close to each other and have 50 gallons of tank collectivly if we got the package on friday we could keep it in the tank and then repackage it on saturday morning. i cold evwen rig up a heater to a car battery with a power inverter durring transport. if some people would rather drivethey could pick the coral up at my placefriday night or saturday when I come back. i will leave it in my tank still in the bag so it won't suffer aclimation shock twice unless some one has a better way.

As far as NJ goes if one of you can be there and hold the corals for the others than grand central seems perfect for it's centralized location.

please let me know what you think. also please confirm the dollar amounts I have listed on the first page. you can back out later, but I want to make sure the information I have is acurate.

[ January 13, 2003, 08:25 PM: Message edited by: The Great Rupert ]


Experienced Reefer
Nultey NJ
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I just downloaded directions for grand central. I have no clue about public transportation I've never been on a train and the last bus I was on was grade school. If parking at Grand Central is even possible. And If I total tolls, parking fees, and traffic aggravation. It might be cheaper for me to ship to my house. ;)

Or maybe the New Jersey People would want to go in a on a seperate group buy and just split the shipping. Last time I bought from Bryan it was 36 bucks shipping and that shipped 3 corals if its under ten corals its one box. That would be $12ish each.

I don't want to bust the deal. NJ leaving could knock ya back below 250. I'm up for any suggestions.

I wouldn't mind the one NJ person go get them and hold them for the rest of us or if anyone has been there before I'd travel with them(chipping in on the tolls, gas, and parking :D )

Let me Know

[ January 13, 2003, 09:00 PM: Message edited by: SoS ]

The Great Rupert AKA AM

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just drive to manhattan as normal and park at a place you like. Then take the subway. or you can take a train to penn station take either the E train to the lexinton avenue stop and take the 6 train one stop down to grand central.


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This has become way to much work for me. I mean, they are nice and all but I could just use one of my Tax Payer ID #'s, and finally set up my ORA account and buy the exact same ones as Bryans(even with the cool square) for $10 a piece, whole colony. A bunch of LFS's by me have started to stock up on the ORA zoo's and are selling the same 20+ multi colored neon polyps on the 2" square for $29. Shoot, if I don't set the account up, I'll just pay the extra $4 and get them down the street. No offense Bryan, I just don't want to seem like a putz when I back out of this one.

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