here's some real t5 colors and growth ;0 cause i was the origanal t5'er
Very nice by reef noob how long you been running t5 for ?
here's some real t5 colors and growth ;0 cause i was the origanal t5'er
here's some real t5 colors and growth ;0 cause i was the origanal t5'er
LEDs purple . Bleached the living snot out of my bonsai
Halides and t5's purple back in the glory days
Fts under LEDs . Tank looks fake
Fts under halide and t5's back in the glory days
LEDs never again founding father here !
Look at batt trying to get some attention because no one asked him to be in the contest. How do you know ACAN suck do you own a set? Make a thread that more then you and jerl are interested in LOL and isnt done already. How come you just didnt write this on my thread? Plus didnt you just get these radions. werent you running DIY LEDs. Here is my greens i had this on my phone.
Look at batt trying to get some attention because no one asked him to be in the contest. How do you know ACAN suck do you own a set? Make a thread that more then you and jerl are interested in LOL and isnt done already. How come you just didnt write this on my thread? Plus didnt you just get these radions. werent you running DIY LEDs. Here is my greens i had this on my phone.
Dont get mad it is what it is you tank suck in colors , and you start talk smack that im really anthony are you for real come on . your acan lights are crap thats why you were selling them charley even said your tank doesnt look good that the light is bleacking every thing out . Im sorry but your going to lose to jerll cause your tank sucks...
Wow I am going to win lol
When u go to the swap tell me what Venders has MH?
Im sorry to say this but jerl tank is 100% better in color then dukes. yes i said it...