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  • Hi. Interested in trading the Red Dragon for a Red Planet frag? My number is 917 628 6200 text a pic and i'll text one of the Red Planet. Thanks!
    i just want to make sure because when we take battery out of these units and have them on the timer, i believe we have to manually set the dosing every time power is off, can you check and see if they work fine without battery, if they do then i am interested to buy both units

    hi thank you for quick reply. so how you was using it do dose calcium and alk with it if you can turn it on or off with timer since it has battery back up.
    Dude asherw beat u to it by pm earlier but I sent him a message telling him it's. Ot a reef safe starfish and he has not responded yet so if he doesn't respond then it's yours and if you have harlequin shrimp tha. This starfish is like a 2 month meal for them lol cause the bastard ate my favorite soft coral and I'm pissed.
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