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Staten Island
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Clearly it makes sense if I am driving 50 mph and someone whizzes by me they are excess the speed limit. And by how far you get by counting landmarks in a certain amount of time a speed can be ascertained.

So no radar/laser is necessary.

If I can't see inside your car your tint is illegal.

No meter necessary

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MatthewScars said:
I'm only pulled over in small hick towns and they always let me go...In 7 years having the tint, i've been pulled over twice.

That's called luck...sometimes, it runs out! I'm sure you also drive over 55 mph, and don't get stopped that often, doesn't change what the law is.

ALBANO said:
:scratchch sounds like an invitation to be 'pulled over' EVERYDAY!
I have 15% on my front and 5% on the back and rear windows.

You realize that we were referring to a tinted WINDSHIELD ?


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Against my better judgement here is your answer.

30% is as dark as you can get in New York. Tiny meters are calibrated regularly and are tested before and after issuing them Simmons using test kits in the tint meter kits. Most tint meters test in reverse to the law. So if you have 35% tint levels on you windows the meter will read 65% and you get your ticket or tickets if applicable. Meters are not required to issue a summons if the officer can articulate that they could not see clearly inside the vehicle.

Speed summons can be issued with no radar unit as officers who are trained in the use of radar guns are also trained in eye speed judgment and are trained to pace vehicles in their vehicles and can issue a summons using these tools as well.

So to sum up: 70%light transmission is required so without medical approval you may only have 30% tints.

Don't speed.

Turn your radio down because if you get a ticket for it you have to waste your time and money to go to court and chances are the cop is getting overtime to watch the precedings and really could care less about the verdict. He's getting paid. You aren't.

Some people have no idea what they are talking about. Don't listen to them they are giving bad advice and will get you in trouble.
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Bottom Line duke get a good pair of sunglasses to avoid the problem down the road.
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