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Pretzel in Orange M&M
staten island
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First of all you can get tickets even with out of state plates. Your car has to be able to meet all the Inspection and safety criteria of the state you are in, no matter if you are a resident of that state or not. But as far as tint being legal or illegal in NY, The tint law in NY is up to 35% on the front windows. The windshield can be any darkness, It just can't go past the mark on your windshield. There is a small line in the upper right hand corner and in the left of some windshields, You can legally go to that line. Your back windows can be any darkness. Now if a cop were to give you a ticket or pull you over for the tint and they say it is to dark tell them you want them to measure it. They have a tool to measure the darkness of the tint.

I took the liberty to ask and it would seem that the tool that you refer to is known as a "tint meter".The amount of light that should pass through a window is 70%. As for telling a police officer that you want the window metered before he/she gives you a summons, that sounds a bit asinine. I'm sure that your 8 officers also told you that a large percentage of officers go through specialized training to be able to do things like summonses for tinted windows, speeding,auto crimes and others just to name a few. And I'm also sure that they told you to be confrontational when dealing with law enforcement. As far as enforcing out of state vehicles, when getting your cars inspection done one of the things that they check for is emissions. Which in California is different from NYS, basically what you are saying is that a car registered in NYS can not be driven in Ca and vice versa without adhering to the states emission laws. That makes absolutely no sense. Now you will have to excuse me, but I have many friends who are in law enforcement, in many ranks. and it is a bit irritating knowing that they put on a uniform and deal with things that you can't even imagine. They even go as far as making the ultimate sacrifice at times, just to deal with such ignorance. I bet your the same person that lets them know you pay the taxes that pays their salary, never stopping to realize that they pay the same taxes. Hope you understand the criticism.


Recovering Lurker
Monroe, NY
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Moe did you use to rest your head on the pile rig as it was driving piles?

Darkness of tint is measured by Visible Light Transmission percentage (VLT%). In New York, this percentage refers to percentage of visible light allowed in through the combination of film and the window. 70% of light must pass through the tint on the side windows. Not 35%


Advanced Reefer
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That's because your friends are idiots and they do not know any of the laws. Secondly it is spelled tint not tink, Once you learn to even spell what you are talking about I might give you some credit. I bet your friends never asked to have the tint measured, They have to do it on the spot or else they can't even write the ticket, by law. Most people do not understand the laws and want to get out of a traffic stop as fast as possible so they will take the ticket and leave in fear of getting another one if they say something. Just like when they write tickets for noise, Unless they officer has a DB meter to actually measure the niose level he can't legaly write the ticket. But they still do and people like your friends still pay the tickets. And yes 35% tint on the front windows in NY are legal.

I wrote an article about it in 1994 where I said it was 50 percent, but my publisher friend fixed my error and covered everything up.


Advanced Reefer
Vernon NJ
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Im not a cop but my best friend/co worker has been a welder/ iron worker for over 32 years and he gets flash burn from welding all the time he wears sun glasses to cut back the suns glare. And cmon really do you need black windows its all good tint . them and when you get pulled over and the cop thinks you cell phone is a gun... you will see 2 more brite lights 1st from his gun barrel and 2nd the light at the end of the tunnel. IMO
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PADI Dive Inst
New York
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Two things. If you are having trouble with lights from welding all day maybe its a good idea not to drive. I have trouble with coordination after drinking so I don't drive then.
Also, I don't get why you would want to inhibit your view of the road while driving. Seems asinine to tint your windshield in the first place. A person at night wearing dark clothes is hard enough to see at 100% of available light. Restrict that to 70% and you are operating with a handicap. If you add bad vision from an eye infection or advanced age then you are just waiting for the inevitable vehicular homicide.
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...Unless they officer has a DB meter to actually measure the niose level he can't legaly write the ticket. But they still do and people like your friends still pay the tickets. ...

LOL, so true to both portions of the statements, I seen so many of these. The judges usually would not remind you if you do not raise the questions. Some legal aids may be quick to address those technical points and the judge will dismiss the case immediately. If legal aids are on duty, let them speak for you. A lot of times, you don't have to say anything, the judge knows what's going on with the bogus tickets when the legal aids remind them. Of course, not all legal aids are so helpful.

There was one time, a NYPD task force wrote me a ticket of noise level when they came in my restaurant bar. I told him, my DB meter readings are all within the lawful limits including the health department and it will be just a waste of tax money and my time going to the court because the judge will throw away the ticket. He still gave me the ticket and the judge did dismiss the case before I even have to say anything. What a waste! LOL.
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Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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If you use a tint meter on a window that you "think" has no tint, it actually comes up around 80%.

So with that, any type of tint you put on your two front windows you are subject to a summons.

And the rear windows can only be tinted on suv's and trucks, not sedans.

And.....each window is subject to its own summons.

Sent from my iPhone using Reefs


MR's Greatest Member
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I took the liberty to ask and it would seem that the tool that you refer to is known as a "tint meter".The amount of light that should pass through a window is 70%. As for telling a police officer that you want the window metered before he/she gives you a summons, that sounds a bit asinine. I'm sure that your 8 officers also told you that a large percentage of officers go through specialized training to be able to do things like summonses for tinted windows, speeding,auto crimes and others just to name a few. And I'm also sure that they told you to be confrontational when dealing with law enforcement. As far as enforcing out of state vehicles, when getting your cars inspection done one of the things that they check for is emissions. Which in California is different from NYS, basically what you are saying is that a car registered in NYS can not be driven in Ca and vice versa without adhering to the states emission laws. That makes absolutely no sense. Now you will have to excuse me, but I have many friends who are in law enforcement, in many ranks. and it is a bit irritating knowing that they put on a uniform and deal with things that you can't even imagine. They even go as far as making the ultimate sacrifice at times, just to deal with such ignorance. I bet your the same person that lets them know you pay the taxes that pays their salary, never stopping to realize that they pay the same taxes. Hope you understand the criticism.
Don't give me your BS, and No I don't tell them I do this with my taxes and that BS. Before I put tint on my windows I researched the laws and being that I have a lot of family in the line of work I tend to believe what they say over someone that has no experience with it at all. Can you write a speeding ticket without actually using the radar gun? No, you can't, but you are saying that hey I don't need to check how loud the noise was or how dark the tint is. I'm just gonna write you a ticket because I can. That is BS and the laws are the laws. We are not talking about the officers who made the ultimate scarafice or anything more than just tint laws. I bet you are one of the guys that tells the cops hey I pay my taxes and your salary, Just judging from the way you over reacted to this tint thread. Do me a favor and go get a clue. And yes the your car does have to meet the state inspection standards that you are driving in. Most states do not push that on people unless you are driving like a real A-hole or doing something real messed up. But go ask all the NY drivers who venture into NJ and get tickets for having tinted windows. I live in NJ and got a ticket written by a Port authority cop at the Lincoln Tunnel, I brought up the fact that 35% was legal in NY and he had to go and get his book and look it up. He then ripped up the ticket and said get out of here. It helps protect you when you know the actual laws. Do you think I went and just put and addition on my house with out researching it first and finding out what permits and variances I needed it. Did you start your reef tank without doing some research.


Advanced Reefer
Central Jersey
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omg seriously who cares. who cares if it's 35% or 30% or whatever.
if you want your car windows tinted, then get it and deal with the consequences. if you get a nice police officer and you have your facts straight then you'll be fine or else deal with the ticket.


Pretzel in Orange M&M
staten island
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It would seem that no matter the information posted, you have made up your mind that 35% is the magic number. Well I'm glad that you posted the links, now do yourself a favor and read them. You will see that both charts list 70% of passable light as legal. Now if you do the math you will see that 35% and 70% add up to more than 100%.

Either way since it is your vehicle you can do with it as you please. As a wise person once said " believe enough of your BS and it becomes true, but only to you." have a good day ja1456
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