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- Flushing NY 11355
As most of the members here who read my previous comments in various threads know how I continuously advocate to beware of any nuclear STUFF-be it energy related, scientific related, military related and whomever hands they are in.
The recent development of the Japanese nuclear possible melt downs serve a very strong warnings. There were two chemical explosions already who knows what will happen next? Even though the explosions are just chemical, not nuclear but never the less, it indicates these explosion events are uncalled for. It blew off the cover of the buildings while the core reactor is still intact. What if the core continue to heat up despite their wish for it to stop just like the explosions which they wish not to happen? What if one of the reactor does melt down? Will the melt down causethe other reactors to further melt down because it destructed all infractures in cooling? These are events beyond the so called experts' control.
MIT security studies program James Walsh said, "Nuclear facilities in Japan ... were built to withstand earthquakes -- but not an 8.9 earthquake." What does this statement mean? Should we not blame anyone in designing these reactors? Should we blame mother nature that it send a 8.9 earthquake to us? Mind you that this is only the 5th most powerful quake-not a record breaking one. That is we already know quakes of this magnitude HAD happened and will VERY LIKELY to happen again. Why GE did not build these reactors to withstand level 10 earthquakes, better yet level 15 quakes? The underlining reasons are:
1)we cut cost and try to live with the risk even though it's known to be a great risk. Nuclear stuff is no simple matter and the magnitude of destruction is extremely quicker and higher than explosives. Nobel created explosive and becomes the no. one killer of mankind besides natural death-nuclear stuff could be the next one if we do not spend extra cautions on them NOW. Not tomorrow-I mean NOW.
2)We are too arrogant that we can control nature and science. We assume we can build a system to with stand disasters. But there are accidents-just like they did not expect the chemical explosions. There are back up generators but just like reactor no. 2, the fuel went low. What if there is a second quake and break the pump line? What if there is a tsunami that flood the whole plant's electronic for a short while and receded, exposing all the "robs"? There are just too many variables in a disaster!
Let me remind you couple other crisis in our own soil years back. I am not talking Three Miles Island.
1)An armed nuclear bomb was missing from the tracking system for 30 min. without being noticed. The B-52 carrying the armed bomb flying over us without even noticing that it's armed. The activation was said to have been done by some low level soldiers "accidentally." Supervisors are not aware of it. Then, the plane took off the base. The nuclear warhead tracking system did not realize that a warhead is armed nor does it noticed it's airborne. It a manual discovery by the supervisor who saw "his plane" is missing 30 minutes later. What this story tells us is that, even the military told us we have the best safety measures on nuclear bombs, there are accidents and that the nuclear bombs are not that secure as the military wants us to believe.
2)Couple nuclear warhead detonators were sent, as helicopter parts, to Taiwan for three years without being noticed by the military. Why on earth would the nuclear warhead parts kept with helicopter parts? Why the military does not have a count of the nuclear parts? Are they so common that we don't need to count the inventory of them. So, is it OK for a terrorist or general civilian to own one without being noted? If so, why the hell we waged a war because someone said Iraq brought metal tubings that possibly can shoot bombs of WMD?
I have derived from James Walsh's statement above and create this, "Our military nuclear warheads are safeguarded from terrorists but not a terrorist with a smart mind."
Therefore, the best prevention is not to engage in such business as nuclear power nor weapon in the first place. In mere ~70 years, we already have so many accidents in nuclear stuff. Should we not consider a ban on it?
The recent development of the Japanese nuclear possible melt downs serve a very strong warnings. There were two chemical explosions already who knows what will happen next? Even though the explosions are just chemical, not nuclear but never the less, it indicates these explosion events are uncalled for. It blew off the cover of the buildings while the core reactor is still intact. What if the core continue to heat up despite their wish for it to stop just like the explosions which they wish not to happen? What if one of the reactor does melt down? Will the melt down causethe other reactors to further melt down because it destructed all infractures in cooling? These are events beyond the so called experts' control.
MIT security studies program James Walsh said, "Nuclear facilities in Japan ... were built to withstand earthquakes -- but not an 8.9 earthquake." What does this statement mean? Should we not blame anyone in designing these reactors? Should we blame mother nature that it send a 8.9 earthquake to us? Mind you that this is only the 5th most powerful quake-not a record breaking one. That is we already know quakes of this magnitude HAD happened and will VERY LIKELY to happen again. Why GE did not build these reactors to withstand level 10 earthquakes, better yet level 15 quakes? The underlining reasons are:
1)we cut cost and try to live with the risk even though it's known to be a great risk. Nuclear stuff is no simple matter and the magnitude of destruction is extremely quicker and higher than explosives. Nobel created explosive and becomes the no. one killer of mankind besides natural death-nuclear stuff could be the next one if we do not spend extra cautions on them NOW. Not tomorrow-I mean NOW.
2)We are too arrogant that we can control nature and science. We assume we can build a system to with stand disasters. But there are accidents-just like they did not expect the chemical explosions. There are back up generators but just like reactor no. 2, the fuel went low. What if there is a second quake and break the pump line? What if there is a tsunami that flood the whole plant's electronic for a short while and receded, exposing all the "robs"? There are just too many variables in a disaster!
Let me remind you couple other crisis in our own soil years back. I am not talking Three Miles Island.
1)An armed nuclear bomb was missing from the tracking system for 30 min. without being noticed. The B-52 carrying the armed bomb flying over us without even noticing that it's armed. The activation was said to have been done by some low level soldiers "accidentally." Supervisors are not aware of it. Then, the plane took off the base. The nuclear warhead tracking system did not realize that a warhead is armed nor does it noticed it's airborne. It a manual discovery by the supervisor who saw "his plane" is missing 30 minutes later. What this story tells us is that, even the military told us we have the best safety measures on nuclear bombs, there are accidents and that the nuclear bombs are not that secure as the military wants us to believe.
2)Couple nuclear warhead detonators were sent, as helicopter parts, to Taiwan for three years without being noticed by the military. Why on earth would the nuclear warhead parts kept with helicopter parts? Why the military does not have a count of the nuclear parts? Are they so common that we don't need to count the inventory of them. So, is it OK for a terrorist or general civilian to own one without being noted? If so, why the hell we waged a war because someone said Iraq brought metal tubings that possibly can shoot bombs of WMD?
I have derived from James Walsh's statement above and create this, "Our military nuclear warheads are safeguarded from terrorists but not a terrorist with a smart mind."
Therefore, the best prevention is not to engage in such business as nuclear power nor weapon in the first place. In mere ~70 years, we already have so many accidents in nuclear stuff. Should we not consider a ban on it?
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