- Location
- poughquag, ny
with all thats going on with the oil spill, curious how many of you still get gas at BP ?
I still do... It's not so much BP that gets hit but the franchise owner.
is it REALLY BP's fault? i still get gas there.
Not me and I haven't bought gas at Exxon since the Valdez except for once when I was desperate. I still can't look at an Exxon sign and not think about that disaster. But I do go to Mobil.
bob i always run either 91 or 93 octane doesnt really matter to me where i get it from, usually from mobil cause it is on way to work. Your not really getting sediment in the gas anyways because of the micron filter on the pump. People avoid the higher octane because it is usually 10-20 cents more a gallon, but when filling your car up it only cost a couple dollars more, the higher octane gas burns off cleaner leaving less deposits in the engine ect.
is it REALLY BP's fault?