- Location
- Brooklyn
I dont have any BPs near me, but I wouldnt go to one. Noel is drunk again 
Yes it is 100% BP's fault!!!!!
Bob i always run either 91 or 93 octane doesnt really matter to me where i get it from, usually from mobil cause it is on way to work. Your not really getting sediment in the gas anyways because of the micron filter on the pump. People avoid the higher octane because it is usually 10-20 cents more a gallon, but when filling your car up it only cost a couple dollars more, the higher octane gas burns off cleaner leaving less deposits in the engine ect.
It does not give the public the power of penalizing whoever they want with disregard to the livelihood of our neighbors and family's welfare.
I agree with Felix.
Imagine your workplace got bad PR, so people stalked you and started to vandalize your home because of it. You wouldn't want people to want you to suffer just because you work at a certain place. You could be just a janitor at the place for all they cared.
So by your intention, the ultimate goal would be to shut down every BP gas station in the country. So what happens to thousands upon thousands of people that we hurt by doing that? You can't solve a problem by creating another problem. That's not a solution at all.
Batt I was getting ready to write same exact thing, I don'y use BP, just because there are so many different stations closer to my house. By the way alot of the companies share the same exact oil. If a company has a rig closer to a certain spot other companies will buy or trade oil from them. And almost all small gas staitons get there gas(not oil) from the refineries close to them. So a raceway or Wawa could be using BP gas.Mobil is Exxon there the same company. Did you ever see and Exxon/Mobil station .
Heres the proff http://www.exxonmobil.com/corporate/
Boycotting would work to a degree, the company would (in most cases) just change their name "sell" the company to an overseas buyer and resume under a new name. The general public would start buying the BP products under a new name putting money right back into their pockets. It happens all the time. Look at a post on here, The guy didn't know that Exxon owns Mobil. This practice happens all the time and is 100% legal. Afterall Bp was a different company only about 5-10 years ago, Anyone remember the name?Actually boycotting is one of the most powerful resources we have as a collective people. Last year, pressure from the public ended sweatshop practices by DKNY. In years past, Debeers has given up land after forcing people out, and Royal Caribbean Cruises installed clean water technology.
While we have the ability to vote for politicians that can influence laws related to industry, the only method (let me rephrase... the only peaceful method) of directly speaking to an industry is to hit them where it hurts... in the pocket.
While I sympathize with your friend, I can't support an oil giant that has killed people with it's carelessness and continues to destroy our ocean and the livelihood of other people who rely on it for their incomes.
beerfish said:Now you're putting words in my mouth. I never said that I want to shut anything down.
What I want is for BP to see a great enough loss that they decide to right a sinking ship. I want to see them do the right thing for their distributers, for their workers, and most of all for the ocean and the people affected by what they've done.
I'm talking about taking a kids allowance away until they do their chores, not putting the kid up for adoption.
Now you're putting words in my mouth. I never said that I want to shut anything down.
What I want is for BP to see a great enough loss that they decide to right a sinking ship. I want to see them do the right thing for their distributers, for their workers, and most of all for the ocean and the people affected by what they've done.
I'm talking about taking a kids allowance away until they do their chores, not putting the kid up for adoption.
ming said:How did they wrong their distributers, or workers? Aren't they already trying to do the right thing for the ocean and the people affected already? (although unsuccessful with the ocean, but still trying)
I agree. The problem is, this was an accident. Like stated before, this drilling accident could have happened to any oil company.
The proper recourse is for BP to pay actual Money for the damage they caused. Not to create more pain by boycotting and destroying more in the process. You really don't think BP is not going to lose billions of dollars to pay for their mistake? Isn't this the penalty your looking for?
Focus on this and not taking matters into your own hands and causing mote damage along the way with reckless actions.