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Hey MR. Currently I'm a college student starting 2nd year in the fall. I'm majoring in pharmacy but the chances of me getting in are pretty slim and I hate chemistry. I honestly have no idea what I want to do with my life. :irked:

So what I just want to know is how did you come up to the point where you are today? How did you pick your career/job?

Only reason why I'm in pharmacy is because it has a huge payout.

Is it better to not like the job but get paid very well or like the job and get paid an average salary?


Skimmer Freak
poughquag, ny
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i took bus management in coll, was a good backup degree and all jobs have managers, cars were my passion { work in a bodyshop } and i agree find something you think you could deal with for the next 40 yr's


Advanced Reefer
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Follow your love and your heart. If you love something and can make money doing it......go for it. The people that succeed most are the ones that work smart and love what they do. I don't look back...ever. Also remember this the grass is definitely not greener on the other side.....lol
Don't be so caught up with the mighty dollar. It will take time but the money will come. Patience always pays off. Now why can't I aplly that to reefing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck,

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Advanced Reefer
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Thanks all for your input. I honestly don't see myself sitting behind a counter all day giving medication. It is an attractive job since its hours are low and pay is high. I just need to try to find something that might suit me.


Skimmer Freak
poughquag, ny
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and of now i would find something that has long term job holding. not that i am money based n what i went into, but it does matter, bills have to be paid and a $10 hr job wont pay them


Recovering Lurker
Monroe, NY
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Thanks all for your input. I honestly don't see myself sitting behind a counter all day giving medication. It is an attractive job since its hours are low and pay is high. I just need to try to find something that might suit me.

Are you kidding? Suck it up and start hitting the books and stop looking for an easy way out:duh: Like you said yourself, you have plenty of free time and plenty of money to take you away from any job misery you may have.

The grass will always look greener on the other side. How do you know in 10 years you won't be miserable doing what you love? It's definitely going to be a challenging four years but always think of the upside.



Advanced Reefer
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Well lets start by saying you dont always make the big bucks as a pharm.. If you get hired by a big company then you might make the big bucks but like anything else in the good old USA as you think your worth more and more the company thinks not and cans you.. NOW WHAT!!! I have worked to many to number jobs and hated a lot of them but did it cause I needed to pay the bills. But I tried working as a fireman and seemed to fit, I retired cause when normal people run out of burning buildings WE are running in, helping other people that you dont know at time of need, so basicly I love what I do (some of the guys can be a pain) I will never be rich from what I do ( if the gov and the president have there way Ill be working for peanuts) But even then aslong as my family isnt starving and they have a place to rest there heads and can get a good education Im fine with the money I make.... GOOD LUCK in finding the right move and yourself!!!!!


Nano Tank N00b
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Pharmacists do get paid extraordinarily well for what they do. I'd hit the books and like Timber said, don't make excuses for yourself. There are only two pharmacy programs in NYC that I know of, and you've got a 5 year program if that's what you want to do, so definitely get on top of it. It's a rewarding career with options to work in retail, hospitals, the insurance industry, or research.

And in contrast with what everyone else says, I say go for the money. Cause you know what? "Money can't buy happiness"... but it can buy a crazy house, new cars, put your kids through school, and retire with enough savings that you can maintain your lifestyle. Its up to you to decide if material things matter to you. (I will say, though, that the more money you make, the more money you spend, so you will always feel poor no matter what haha)

Whatever you do, work as hard as you can. If you're smart, and if you're a hard worker, you can earn a good living doing almost anything.


Advanced Reefer
Vernon NJ
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Pharmacists do get paid extraordinarily well for what they do. I'd hit the books and like Timber said, don't make excuses for yourself. There are only two pharmacy programs in NYC that I know of, and you've got a 5 year program if that's what you want to do, so definitely get on top of it. It's a rewarding career with options to work in retail, hospitals, the insurance industry, or research.

And in contrast with what everyone else says, I say go for the money. Cause you know what? "Money can't buy happiness"... but it can buy a crazy house, new cars, put your kids through school, and retire with enough savings that you can maintain your lifestyle. Its up to you to decide if material things matter to you. (I will say, though, that the more money you make, the more money you spend, so you will always feel poor no matter what haha)

Whatever you do, work as hard as you can. If you're smart, and if you're a hard worker, you can earn a good living doing almost anything.

AMEN to that Frosty


Advanced Reefer
Garden city
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Money won't fall into your lap just because you love what you do you have to bust your hole and go after it. And even then it's tough to get a head. my advice would be if you can find something you can tolerate that pays well then your ahead of 90 percent of us. Or just be a teacher like my wife and sit on the beach all summer and get paid for it

Sent from my iPhone using Reefs


Advanced Reefer
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Are you kidding? Suck it up and start hitting the books and stop looking for an easy way out:duh: Like you said yourself, you have plenty of free time and plenty of money to take you away from any job misery you may have.

The grass will always look greener on the other side. How do you know in 10 years you won't be miserable doing what you love? It's definitely going to be a challenging four years but always think of the upside.


ahhh you got me good. I am just looking a way to get out of the work. I'm just bein a bum right now, thinking I can switch majors just to avoid the work.


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Do what you want to do. Whatever you think will make you happy but don't waste $ on an education that toy won't use.


Advanced Reefer
Bellport, NY
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Well, what do you love? Do you love your reef tank and all of the fun things that are out in the world? They cost money. So being happy is not always about your career. Maybe the job is annoying but you can afford to have the time of your life outside of work. I feel like the being happy what you do mentality is an american myth. Most people hate work but love what their work affords them, thats why they choose tough jobs. I would go for the green and if you hate it, at least you have some extra cash while you search for a better job. I first started out as an artist and now 13 years later I just earned my accounting degree, so you know what I chose.

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