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Guns, Razors, Knives.
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Thanks all for your input. I honestly don't see myself sitting behind a counter all day giving medication. It is an attractive job since its hours are low and pay is high. I just need to try to find something that might suit me.

The Pharm in my building owns the drug store also. If you open a store and stuff, thats money.

I mean, i understand all these people telling you 'follow your heart' 'do what you love' but its empty, meaningless advice because (according to what you said) you dont know what you love or what your heart loves to do.

It's hard, I was never in the boat since I loved computers from like the age of 8 so it was a no brainer for me.

You need to try a bunch of stuff and see what you like. Saying, 'oh im picking Pharm cause its money and 'times are tough' so i need money' is not a good life track ;)


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Jamaica, NY
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let me just share with you my gf's experience as a pharmacist at a major chain. She has long hours and she gets paid well. She complains about it ALL the time. Actually, they are quite entertaining to listen to since her customers are either drugged up or perverts.
As much as she is complaining about her work, i am sure that she is enjoying her paychecks...Unfortunately, you have to go through some good amount of schooling to get there, but I think it is well worth it. Come at the end of the day when you start working, it should be easier than school in some ways and harder in other ways....

here's my experience....

Love your job and low pay - doesn't work because everything cost money. I'm in the military and I love it. At the same time, it was great leaving active duty since i also have more time to myself.
Hate your job and OK pay - that's what I am doing now. I wake up not wanting to come to work...but well, when I get my paycheck, I use it to enjoy life...
Love your job and high pay - I haven't achieved this one yet :)

So to summarize, you will gain some and lose some - just have to balance things out. But the trick to this is - you need to stick with what you started. I know some people who couldn't make up their minds and ended up in many different directions. So if pharmacy is what you may want to do, just read and learn about it more and decide soon. The more you want something, the more you will try to make it happen. And it is that drive that will make you succeed. Good luck :)


Advanced Reefer
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let me just share with you my gf's experience as a pharmacist at a major chain. She has long hours and she gets paid well. She complains about it ALL the time. Actually, they are quite entertaining to listen to since her customers are either drugged up or perverts.
As much as she is complaining about her work, i am sure that she is enjoying her paychecks...Unfortunately, you have to go through some good amount of schooling to get there, but I think it is well worth it. Come at the end of the day when you start working, it should be easier than school in some ways and harder in other ways....

here's my experience....

Love your job and low pay - doesn't work because everything cost money. I'm in the military and I love it. At the same time, it was great leaving active duty since i also have more time to myself.
Hate your job and OK pay - that's what I am doing now. I wake up not wanting to come to work...but well, when I get my paycheck, I use it to enjoy life...
Love your job and high pay - I haven't achieved this one yet :)

So to summarize, you will gain some and lose some - just have to balance things out. But the trick to this is - you need to stick with what you started. I know some people who couldn't make up their minds and ended up in many different directions. So if pharmacy is what you may want to do, just read and learn about it more and decide soon. The more you want something, the more you will try to make it happen. And it is that drive that will make you succeed. Good luck :)

Loving your job and high pay - that's the thing that everybody hopes for.
Yeah I just need to make up my mind and follow a course.

I always hear the "money ain't everything" But when I think about the fact of how much reefing costs and what it takes to support this hobby, money does matter.

thanks all for your input


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I graduated with a chemistry degree with no clue what I wanted to do. I worked in a lab for a year and hated it and the pay sucked. Over my last year of college and into the first year of my career I applied for at least 20 jobs a day online at any place that even mentioned a science degree as a requirement. I am now working for the city in environmental compliance.

Basically, if you don't know what you want to do, apply for everything. You might find out about entire fields that you didn't know were available to you.


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If you're in college and don't know what to choose as a career path - experiment. Take classes in a variety of subjects and see if what you like is also a future caeer/employment opportunity.

As for those who say money doesn't matter, follow your heart, etc ad nauseum - BS. Anyone who thinks money is unimportant is either deluding themselves because they don't have it or all ready have plenty of it.

I ended up getting a degree (actually several) in a field I enjoyed. Unfortunately the world doesn't always let you have the type of job you want. I still work in my chosen field, but don't like my job. I'm bored, bored bored. The economy and locale have been such that I've been unable to change jobs for the past 5 years. If I was making more money I'd be content. If I liked my job better I'd be content. Unfortunately I find myself in the position of having a job and not a career which is where most people end up.

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