Anybody ever think about what happens if we cant stop the leak. What if this oil is being forced out from the earths center with such force the hole cant be plugged, which is what i believe is the latest plan of attack.
If plugging the hole doesn't work, you would think we would try to connect a hose to it, trying to funnel the oil out of the ocean. Sounds good, but it might be hard to connect a hose to a oil volcano 5000 feet below the surface.
If that doesn't work and oil continues to pour into the ocean, for like 2 more years or till 2012, we are going to have much more serious problems than the cleanup of the gulf coast. I think this could potentially impact the whole ocean, if not KILL it, if proves unstoppable! Ocean dies, we die!!
Maybe the Mayan people saw oil, instead of water like we think, in 2012
Im scared!