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Cant believe stuff like this goes on, you don't hear much about it on the news, its still pouring into the ocean for 1 month, they don't know how much oil is pouring out. Now they say its getting caught in deep water currents and making its way to the east coast.

I think BP should be shut down, have all there finances taken and put into the cleanup, if its even possible to clean up this much oil

I would like to find out ways I can help, anyone have any info???

If I spilled oil in the ocean I would be arrested!!! Guess it doesn't matter when you fund the government


Advanced Reefer
Bellport, NY
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I am not sure what news stations you watch or listen to, but they report on it everyday. BP, is not the only group at fault. We are just as much at fault for continuing to elect politicains that want to expand oil drilling in deeper and more dangerous places. We also need to elect leaders who will seriously pursue the use of clean energy and not just use it for pilitical gain. Everybody wants to point the finger at someone else, we are all at fault in one way or another.

There are probably some charities that will need money soon, these people are finaly getting back on their feet after Katrina and now this.


renegade reefer
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mellotang if they shut down bp i thinking driving +cost living would become very expensive that one the bigger oil company out there ...not that i am in no way ok with what going on in the gulf but it one of these thing even tho they are f ing the planet up seriously we still need them


Advanced Reefer
New York
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I am not sure what news stations you watch or listen to, but they report on it everyday. BP, is not the only group at fault. We are just as much at fault for continuing to elect politicains that want to expand oil drilling in deeper and more dangerous places.

Drill baby drill...


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Maybe i should have been clearer. All the news stations tell us is there is still oil leaking into the ocean. Not much about whats being done to help the cause, what we can do to help, how we prevent this in the future, what the plans are for the die off that will occur in the ocean, what the long term effects will be, if it can be cleaned.

How long do we wait on BP to fix the problem, 6 months??? Maybe the leak will be under control then.

If we shut down BP maybe the country would be forced to look into alternative energy, then maybe we can stop the the war for oil control in the middle east, maybe we would make some money and get out of debt, maybe we could be self sufficient, maybe....

Matteroftrust.org is a great foundation, we should all encourage salons and barber shops to donate hair!! Its sick how much oil 1 mat can absorb


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I guess i think its ridiculous that Tiger cheats on his wife and its on the news for 2 weeks, and Michael Jackson dies and its on the news for two weeks non stop.


We have millions of gallons of oil pouring into the ocean and its on the news for 5 minutes.

Silly society we live in!


Advanced Reefer
Park Ridge, NJ
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It's the society we live in, where the news is now a business that has to be profitable. And unfortunately for us, people pay more attention to celebrity scandals, than to our own self destruction.


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North Jersey
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Its called distractions, and thats pretty much what tv is based on nowadays. Same thing with the war, theyll update you on whats going on but youll never get the real info. Plus all media is controlled by like 5 companies so I wonder how manipulated everything is. All the news is now is sad depressing news. Why bother worrying about the enviroment or the planet we live on when there are celebrities to think about?!?! What, Jersey Shore isnt getting renewed?! NOOOO! Toger Woods dropped out of a match? You mean a GAME isnt more important than anything else in our lives?! Disgusts me


Advanced Reefer
Raleigh, NC
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Oil Spill is in the news every day, every broadcast. It was on 60 minutes last night.

Not sure what type of coverage you think you are missing but the media is pretty consumed with the oil spill right now.

Sent from my iPhone using Reefs


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Staten Island
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Hey, did anyone watch the breaking news report that just interrupted Channel 5? Lindsay Lohan missed another alcohol education class.......LOL
She missed it because she was at my house doing tequilla shooters!

But anyway back to the disaster at hand..
I have been boycotting BP my friend who has only used BP gas in his audi for years is boycotting them as well and telling others too also. Since we have been doing this the station by us has been dead everytime he or I pass by it and it's usually jumpin..I hope we could atleast make that little difference. The situation in the ocean is ridiculous and could have been prevented had they made a small investment I forget what they said if it was 250 grand or 500 either way that is chump change to an oil company that is like a penny to them. Now there has to be millions of dollars spent to clean this mess that should never have happened in the 1st place! Not to mention all the extra man power and individual organizations that have to help. They are fully at fault and should be held accountable regardless of what they say. They are destroying our water killing millions of living organisms. This oil will come into our beaches and will have a serious impact on the whole world it's just inevitable.

SMFH :banghead:


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new jersey
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oil spill

i worked out in the gulf of mexico, for almost 20 yrs. i've worked contract for BP on production platforms, it is on BP lease, TRANSOCEAN is the drilling rig company, and haliburtion is the other company, when you drill offshore, you have what is called a B.O.P."blow out perverter" that is suppose to close so this doesnt' happen, that's where haliburtion comes into play, well you know what happened to the BOP. i know my brother is out there for BP and my one of my best friends also work for BP. i know alot more then alot of people up here.

let me ask you something, if an 18 wheeler truck carrying oil, that was leased wrecked in your yard, who is to blame.

BP, that would be you
the leased truck, TRANSOCEAN
driver, is haliburtion.
call it, the news is blowing this up, i grow up down there and heading back down there wednesday, you the media is making this bigger then what is really going on down there, down there it's a big joke, that's what i'm hearing from down there.


Advanced Reefer
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i worked out in the gulf of mexico, for almost 20 yrs. i've worked contract for BP on production platforms, it is on BP lease, TRANSOCEAN is the drilling rig company, and haliburtion is the other company, when you drill offshore, you have what is called a B.O.P."blow out perverter" that is suppose to close so this doesnt' happen, that's where haliburtion comes into play, well you know what happened to the BOP. i know my brother is out there for BP and my one of my best friends also work for BP. i know alot more then alot of people up here.

let me ask you something, if an 18 wheeler truck carrying oil, that was leased wrecked in your yard, who is to blame.

BP, that would be you
the leased truck, TRANSOCEAN
driver, is haliburtion.
call it, the news is blowing this up, i grow up down there and heading back down there wednesday, you the media is making this bigger then what is really going on down there, down there it's a big joke, that's what i'm hearing from down there.

Your post completely threw me off. What were you trying to say? To people down there, it?s a big joke? Or the media and people talking about the mess is making it a big joke.
I?m in now way a tree hugger, but how can anyone defend this problem? Or even act as if its really no big deal? I?m completely blown away by the idea that anyone even the workers of BP or who ever can turn a blind eye to this an act as if its no big deal.
Really, it not like a couple of barrels were dumped and couple of absorbent snakes will soak it. The sheer ignorance the people have about the impact this mess will have on wildlife and the ocean itself is not something that can be overlooked.
I can only imagine a huge lawsuit would be filed bringing everyone involved with the tanker spill into court including the mechanic who works on the truck and the trucks daily check sheets.
But it would boil down to the driver and leasing companies insurance.
In the end, BP and who ever owns the rig is blame for not having fail safes were not in place. Yeah, certain fail safes are not mandatory but advisable, but someone is gonna cough up a lot of money for this oppsy

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