NYC get a Chilton manual on your car- itll tell you exactly how to do it the right way and the necessary tools and youll be able to decide if its a job your willing to take on, If not experienced with tools and engines Id just pay a shop to do it.
The timing belt that is- like stated already plugs are a piece of cake to change- just make sure you do one at a time and make sure you run new wires and get a new distributor cap and rotor- Run the new plug wires as you do that plug this way you wont mess up the firing order. Only special tool needed to do the plugs is a spark plug socket for your ratchet. Good luck
have someone do it for you who knows what they are doing most dealership it will run u around 650-700 for parts and labor, if u are doing the belt do the water pump at same time
have someone do it for you who knows what they are doing most dealership it will run u around 650-700 for parts and labor, if u are doing the belt do the water pump at same time
hmmm interesting did your dealership find out that your timing belt and water pump should be changed? And that they found nothing else wrong with your car?
My dealer just told me that a few month back also, and tried to scare me into doing it right then and there. Did you by any chance go to a dealership in Queens?
dude take it to the shop for the t-belt if anything do mess up they will take care of it and if u do it yourself u better be sure the timing is line up or else u will lose power and worst your piston will hit your vales
dude i work for honda i do them in my sleep there are pretty easy as long as you understand that if you screw up there goes the engine take it to someone from the 500 bucks
$500 for someone to do it $1500 for a new used engine
and there is two belts under the timing cover there you have to line both them up
$500 is pretty good.
I paid around $750 for my Honda & $950 for my Acuras. (Water pump & tensioner included)
If your doing the T belt, should also have them change out your upper & lower rad hoses & thermosatat too.
its cake job.. for someone that knows how to turn a wrench and lign up a balance shaft.. but for someone with no experience i would never tell them to attempt it.. hes coming to my palce this weekend i think and ill take care of it.. i told him 250 plus parts.. i think thats pretty fair...
yea my truck has a 50g tank with a 13hp honda motor industrial air compressor.. and i have an oxy/accetelin torch.. and my truck is basically a giant tool box
Ouch you got banged hard Mclovin but i got it harder i waited and sucked a valve and off to the junk yard lookin for a motor i went i replaced the whole motor $600,lunch and a case of beer lol