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Advanced Reefer
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stage have u ever really worked on anything other than your type of car? not trying to be mean just asking?

and audios, you hit the nail on the head with the saab!

and batt ANY car with a check engine light on fails...

yes I have worked on many things. Im very good with subarus as well. I actually can dissamble/resassmble a subaru shortblock. I did a timing belt on one before. Great cars, and very easy to work on. Other stuff, DSMs, Evos, E55 amg, dodge spirit r/t, countless audis. I havent really done much with domestic stuff or touched bmws.


Advanced Reefer
Far Rockaway
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stage have u ever really worked on anything other than your type of car? not trying to be mean just asking?

and audios, you hit the nail on the head with the saab!

and batt ANY car with a check engine light on fails...

I know any car failes for the light being on.I was just saying when i see and audi or a volk thay always have the check engine light on . Thats what i ment by that.


Skimmer Freak
poughquag, ny
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true mechanic = know how to truelly work on car's not just change parts, can do diag { not just pull a code and hope that part is the failed part } be able to trace and really diag to find the problem and correctly fix it. not working out of someone's backyard { nothing against those guys, but being someone who has been doing this most of my life and not just for fun, but how i put food one my table, i'm the first to admit when i see people posting on here they are mechanics and they know how to work on cars, and really dont or think they do and really dont.ive fixed and worked on more then a few cars, ive worked on about ever line of car there is american more then any other's as well as bodyshop is my background, use to do resto and full blown custom work, interior, install power sunroof's, pop tops, simulated convert tops { like on buicks } having owned 67 cars-trucks , most were just to flip for profit, but before kids id go through 2-3 cars a yr cause i got bored easily, this isn't a attack or put down towards anyone directly, but those of us who do it for a living take pride in what we do and know, my knowledge didnt come from reading hotrod magizine lol even though i grew up on it and couldnt wait for the next issue


Advanced Reefer
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true mechanic = know how to truelly work on car's not just change parts, can do diag { not just pull a code and hope that part is the failed part } be able to trace and really diag to find the problem and correctly fix it. not working out of someone's backyard { nothing against those guys, but being someone who has been doing this most of my life and not just for fun, but how i put food one my table, i'm the first to admit when i see people posting on here they are mechanics and they know how to work on cars, and really dont or think they do and really dont.ive fixed and worked on more then a few cars, ive worked on about ever line of car there is american more then any other's as well as bodyshop is my background, use to do resto and full blown custom work, interior, install power sunroof's, pop tops, simulated convert tops { like on buicks } having owned 67 cars-trucks , most were just to flip for profit, but before kids id go through 2-3 cars a yr cause i got bored easily, this isn't a attack or put down towards anyone directly, but those of us who do it for a living take pride in what we do and know, my knowledge didnt come from reading hotrod magizine lol even though i grew up on it and couldnt wait for the next issue

Yes I agree with you. I never said I was a mechanic or claimed something im not. Most the cars I worked on were ether mine or helping a freind out. Im a car enthusiast and love working on cars in my free time. Actually one the most rewarding things I enjoy doing is tuning since I just got into it about 2 years ago. I could easily get a job being a mechanic without a problem, but I feel i would be doing myself a disservice(no pun intended) which is why I opted to get a BS in electrical engineering.

Reef Greek

Active Reefer
Long Island
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I can't believe I just read 9 pages of crap. Someone asks for help Motor offers to do so very reasonably and 10 people some mechanics and some wannabes jump in to say why hes wrong or how they can do it better or that saabs and vws suck. I noticed that no one asked why change the belt and pump ( how many miles etc.) But every not mechanic and car buff had to jump in. $250 plus parts translates to around $300 for a quality job that's not bad at all, Especially when most shops get 90 plus an hour these days and the book time is about 3 hrs. Also when working on a honda or acura with high miles its usually a good idea to adjust the valves too as they are made to be adjusted and do go out over time. Before you ask yes I was a service manager/ advisor at a few dealerships in the past so I do have some formal training when it comes to car problems not just reading car mags and helping friends change plugs.


Advanced Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Yeah for thouse of use that work flag hour we have to put in good work and make sure its done right the first time so we dont have come backs so we can make hours. I hate the my job hires they people that are ase master techs and dont know jack how to work on a car . Any body can read a book and pass a test but can you fix a car .
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Advanced Reefer
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Yeah for thouse of use that work flag hour we have to put in good work and make sure its done right the first time so we dont have come backs so we can make hours. I hate the my job hires they people that are ase master techs and dont know jack how to work on a car . Any body can read a book and pass a test but can you fix a car .

This is the reason why i work on all of my vehicals and no one else.


Mainland Aquatics
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Yeah for thouse of use that work flag hour we have to put in good work and make sure its done right the first time so we dont have come backs so we can make hours. I hate the my job hires they people that are ase master techs and dont know jack how to work on a car . Any body can read a book and pass a test but can you fix a car .

unfortunalty thats anywhere u go.. i was a lead tech at my dealer, we were a union shop.. and the guys they were hired as B rate or C rate were horrible.. but they couldnt get fired as long as they produced the hrs that they worked..40hrs.even though some guys came in on their day off to make it. it sucked.. but unfortunatly thats life.. not everyone is great, or good or even knows what the hell theyre doing.. actually if any of ud "mechanics" knew what we were doing we wouldnt still be turning a wrench!


Advanced Reefer
Far Rockaway
Rating - 90%
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unfortunalty thats anywhere u go.. i was a lead tech at my dealer, we were a union shop.. and the guys they were hired as B rate or C rate were horrible.. but they couldnt get fired as long as they produced the hrs that they worked..40hrs.even though some guys came in on their day off to make it. it sucked.. but unfortunatly thats life.. not everyone is great, or good or even knows what the hell theyre doing.. actually if any of ud "mechanics" knew what we were doing we wouldnt still be turning a wrench!

Yeah your right the good thing were a rare to come buy theres not alot of mechanics in the field anymore so if one looses a job we can get onthere job the same day.


Mainland Aquatics
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yea but the pay scale has gone down.. they are hiring at lower rates they guys used to make.. but they still charge higher labor rates to make up for the volume loss.. and they dont care if the mechanic is crappy bc they dont have to pay for come backs, its on the mechanic. so they made their money and the mechanic doesnt make crap anymore.. atleast working for myself i make good money. but i have to carry the insurance for shopkeepers, liability, hazmat.. plus since i do it onsite i have to carry extra insurance to protect the property im working on. and i need to have my oil tanks drained regularly and have my tanks inspected for dot. also since i cary oxy/accetalin tanks i cant go over bridges or in tunnels with the work truck. its fun and alot of things to do.. garbage removal is always fun.. theres alot to doing it onsite when you carry the shop with you...but its all worth it when i dont have to worry abt a writer selling my work, and if theres enough work to go around...


Advanced Reefer
Far Rockaway
Rating - 90%
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yea but the pay scale has gone down.. they are hiring at lower rates they guys used to make.. but they still charge higher labor rates to make up for the volume loss.. and they dont care if the mechanic is crappy bc they dont have to pay for come backs, its on the mechanic. so they made their money and the mechanic doesnt make crap anymore.. atleast working for myself i make good money. but i have to carry the insurance for shopkeepers, liability, hazmat.. plus since i do it onsite i have to carry extra insurance to protect the property im working on. and i need to have my oil tanks drained regularly and have my tanks inspected for dot. also since i cary oxy/accetalin tanks i cant go over bridges or in tunnels with the work truck. its fun and alot of things to do.. garbage removal is always fun.. theres alot to doing it onsite when you carry the shop with you...but its all worth it when i dont have to worry abt a writer selling my work, and if theres enough work to go around...

I had a shop for 4 year was great at first had no employes just me a my partner worked on the car and dealed with the customer but the economy went bad and had to close shop lucky i had a job already waiting for my that payes my good. Its good to see you still have your shop a lot of shop had closed becuase of the economy i wise you the best.

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