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Park Ridge, NJ
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Do they even make 60Hz 1080p Tvs anymore?

They do still sell them, it might just be the excess inventory, but you still see them on Amazon and other online stores.

the sony site I went to was the site suggesting a 120Hz LCD was equievelient to a 600Hz plasma.

That's probably visual comparison, cause you can't really tell the difference after a certain point. They could have said it was the equivalent of 1000 hz for that matter, same difference.
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And I'm really wondering where you guys are getting the "Plasmas are not good for gaming" issue. The only issue was from screen burn in, and those issues have mostly been resolved.




the bottom line is it depends on what you do. I play lot of first person shooters and rpgs on mine that have lots of static images. There are no gurantees that you wont have burn in even with all that protection they have. I also pause my screen for more then 20 mins so it really is not practical. This line tells at all really since most serious gamers are not "average" users:

Plasma TV burn-in is not an issue that should cause undue concern in the average user. With a modicum of caution, most plasma TVs will probably never have a problem with image retention. A viewer may experience temporary ghosting, but this is not cause for alarm


westbury ny
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Just my .02
I would & and probably always will choose a plasma over LCD. as far as led's go. The technology is still way too new. If you look at test signals through an LED. the whites look very blue. The blacks don't look very black, and although the picture seems crisp at moments, it is fairly blurry during a fast moving display.
I have owned every format so far,,all Quality brands and models.
LCD's look washed out to me.
DLP is ok. But do I really want to hear that spinning wheel during quiet passages.
LED,, Too new. Needs alot of improvment IMO
Plasma. Clear, Sharp. Fast,
And if you are purchasing a plasma I reccomend a high end Panasonic Viera such as a G10-V10-G15 if only for the THX picture mode. Because if you don't want to pay 500 dollars for a legit calibration (not the one from best buy, but from an NTSC tech) it will be the closest thing. Just adjust the tint slightly to red from green,,, like 3 points & viola. Pretty damn close to NTSC calibration
Or of course a Pioneer elite (KURO) if you have that kind of cash lying around. But keep in mind they stopped production on these & it is basically the same technonlogy as the Panny.
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Forever Noob
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The "motion dejuddering" technology of 600Hz vs 120Hz cant be used as a comparison or a gauge to each other... Much less utilized as a factor for buying a display. Two totally different technologies and two distinct looks. Go and see it for yourself.

Composite cables mean nothing when talking about refresh rates. Thats solely based on the displays processing. If you have a wii, you buy component cables because composite won't look anywhere near as smooth and colors won't pop on a capable 480p and up.

The whole mono price cable issue boils down to which cable you bought of the site. Vast selection these days. I've never had any issues with any of mine.

To the mod, you can easily obtain a 52inch 120hz LCD for way under $2000.


Forever Noob
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Just my .02
I would & and probably always will choose a plasma over LCD. as far as led's go. The technology is still way too new. If you look at test signals through an LED. the whites look very blue. The blacks don't look very black, and although the picture seems crisp at moments, it is fairly blurry during a fast moving display.
I have owned every format so far,,all Quality brands and models.
LCD's look washed out to me.
DLP is ok. But do I really want to hear that spinning wheel during quiet passages.
LED,, Too new. Needs alot of improvment IMO
Plasma. Clear, Sharp. Fast,
And if you are purchasing a plasma I reccomend a high end Panasonic Viera such as a G10-V10-G15 if only for the THX picture mode. Because if you don't want to pay 500 dollars for a legit calibration (not the one from best buy, but from an NTSC tech) it will be the closest thing. Just adjust the tint slightly to red from green,,, like 3 points & viola. Pretty damn close to NTSC calibration
Or of course a Pioneer elite (KURO) if you have that kind of cash lying around. But keep in mind they stopped production on these & it is basically the same technonlogy as the Panny.

I agree that the Vieras that are THX certified are nice. I only veered away from it because of price when i was shopping and the fact it ate more energy. But i also won't lie... Didn't care too much about a TV given that i have my projector lol.


Advanced Reefer
Park Ridge, NJ
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Composite cables mean nothing when talking about refresh rates. Thats solely based on the displays processing. If you have a wii, you buy component cables because composite won't look anywhere near as smooth and colors won't pop on a capable 480p and up.

Whoops, yes I meant the component cables, not composite, my bad. The modes on the Wii are 480i for composite and 480p for component.


westbury ny
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I agree that the Vieras that are THX certified are nice. I only veered away from it because of price when i was shopping and the fact it ate more energy. But i also won't lie... Didn't care too much about a TV given that i have my projector lol.
What kind of projector? +++ Why have we never spoken Home Theater Before?LOL


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I have A 46" samsung b6000 lcd/led television had it for like a year now. I like it alot and only have some issues when viewing extremely dark movies likeTHE DARK KNIGHT on blue ray. sometimes i see the edge light leds.i would reccomend this tv after owning it and also owning a plasma. As far as 60hz 120hz 240hz-NON 3D i would say the decision would depend on screen size and the distance you are viewing the television from.

I recommend lcd/led televisions i will be purchasing another in the near future.
LCD vs. Plasma debate just breaks down to preference at the end of the day


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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oh man this thread is getting out of control..never order a tv online because you can not SEE what you are buying..go down to a few stores shop around and look at the difference..the more hz the better and plasma like many people have agreed is better picture quality overall. YES they do dispense a large amount of heat..I do not need any space heater in the winter lol. Anyone who says it's a dead technology has no idea what they are talking about because they said that 3 years ago and look..they are only getting better. Brands make very much a difference because each company manufactures their product differently. Contrast ratio is total BS it's a marketing tactic 1,000,000 to 1 of 1 tv might look way crappier than 5000 to 1 of a different brand. It's about buying a quality product.

In my experience and trust me I have looked ALOT Samsung,Hitachi and Panasonic are some of the best as far as plasma. LCD's Samsung,Toshiba and Sharp. Sharp was actually the 1st company to start making flat panel tv's. Toshiba regza's are very good picture for an lcd. As I said and Chemchef also said the LED is too new of a technology and too expensive to waste money on. I have a wii and my boy used to bring over his xbox 30 and we played it all the time and it looked sick especially with my monster cable WHICH I GOT VERY CHEAP! I would not pay 50+ for a cable. Quality is everything,sometimes you find a good deal and you jump on it.

Circuit city was a great store they always had great prices on dvds and games. I have not bought anything from the online store but as far as I know it is the same owners. Realistically it made sense what they did ..file chap 11 shut down all your stores ,fire all your employees and just rent a warehouse and pay a few people to work in it..they save millions.


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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Plasmas are meant for dark viewing I think I had stated that earlier so if you will not get alot of sun reflection it is a better choice..some people say there is no glare from LCD and that's also crap go to best buy and look at the displays, they all get some glare regardless of what technology it is. You really just have to move around and compare this one to that one and make a choice on what you think looks better you will definitely notice a difference.

As far as 3d tvs go..forget about it they will be a ton of money I'm sure they will have numerous issues the stupid glasses are damn near 200 bucks (I know it comes with a few pairs but I'm saying additional ones) not to mention it has already been in the news that watching that 3d crap is going to make you cross eyed. That is something that will be cool for a few months and then it will die out..don't waste your money.


Advanced Reefer
Park Ridge, NJ
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pc richards sucks..you can haggle with them because they are usually so damn overpriced. They act like they are giving you a deal but it's probably still more than other stores sell it for.

Actually my mom, great haggler btw, has haggled below sale prices of other stores, including internet prices, with free shipping and disposal of old units. It's amazing when it works and somewhat embarrassing when it doesn't.


Advanced Reefer
Vernon NJ
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Okay here is my 2 cents

After owning Samsung TV's for the past 13 years and still have 1 that old still working in my basement I swear by samsung i have had sony panasonic LG and sharp all flat screens some plasma and most lcd's ALL BUT THE SAMSUNGS HAVE DIED. samsung rocks I just did all this research I have a buddy who used to install home theatre's and now works for Sony tellin me to buy samsung and for the money I spent this was the best deal for $1400 and amazon.com has the best prices and reviews mean alot you can read reviews on everything amazon sells.this tv is simply amazing after watching it the first night I owned it felt guilty because I knew then that i have been wasting my time watching the other tv and neglected my eyes by not watching my movies and shows on this beauty.

Samsung LN46B750 46-Inch 1080p 240 Hz LCD HDTV

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