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Ok, I am in the market for a flat screen tv. It will be in my downstairs family room, so little natural light will be hitting it. The space that it will be going is 59.5 inches horizontally. So, the questions are:
1. What is the more reliable between the three?
2. Best picture (color and sharp) with no goofy side viewing or blurry picture if you are laying on the floor watching tv?
3. Lower priced?
4. good sound? it will be hooked up to surround sounds so internal speakers are not as important. But I have heard that some make a buzzing sound.
What other factors should I take into account?


Mainland Aquatics
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i have a 50in panasonic plasma.. i think its amaizing but the led stuff out now is pretty cool too.. so i would go to the store where you can compare picture quality side by side.. thats what i did.. but mine is abt a yr old now so its outdated..lol but theres nothing better than watching the hi def with true HD suroundsound with a blue ray player... better than going to the movies imo...

also with the sound.. i keep mine off.. so no sound comes out of the tv.. its only a picture, all the sound goes thru the processor


Advanced Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Plasma's has a problem with burning the image in the screen and the life is not that much you can go online a research plasmas and you will see . Plasma only 720p when lcd is 1080p and last longer then the plasmas the lcd led are the best at this point. but if your going to get a plasma get the ext warranty on it .


Mainland Aquatics
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Plasma's has a problem with burning the image in the screen and the life is not that much you can go online a research plasmas and you will see . Plasma only 720p when lcd is 1080p and last longer then the plasmas the lcd led are the best at this point. but if your going to get a plasma get the ext warranty on it .

thats only if your playing a video game or leave a steady image on pause for hours.. and it is def not 720p quality..
its a 1080p
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Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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I'm surprised.. most people swear by lcd. Truthfully plasma is a much richer picture blacker blacks,whiter whites..lcd's SUCK. I LOVE my plasma I have a 50" hitachi for 2 years and the picture is great never had a problem..they are actually made for dark viewing. LCD's are brighter but the picture is not that good on most,to me it bothers my eyes and LCD's FORGET ABOUT IT..yea maybe if you want to be blind in the next 3 years. Not to mention the fact that if 1 tiny bulb goes you are going to have to take the whole tv apart disassemble the circuit board etc. etc. It's just a real pain in the arse not to mention it will cost you a fortune to have that 1 bulb changed because of all the work involved as if those damn tv's are not expensive enough! It's like having a dead pixel in your computer monitor.

Honestly it's too new of a technology and too expensive for me to bother with. For the price of an lcd you can buy a bigger plasma,blu ray have it set up and delivered then take your fam out to dinner and still have some money left for ice cream. lol

Whatever you decide go with a good brand like samsung or toshiba..sony is way overrated and they are really nothing to kick your heels about they are just expensive. Stay away from pc richards because they have the worst prices and the salemen are all vultures. Hit up 6th ave. electronics they always have great deals and flyers in the newspaper. Bestbuy had an insignia 50" plasma on sale for 900 not sure if they still have the sale but the pic is pretty damn good on it and insignia is made by LG.


Advanced Reefer
Park Ridge, NJ
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Plasma's has a problem with burning the image in the screen and the life is not that much you can go online a research plasmas and you will see . Plasma only 720p when lcd is 1080p and last longer then the plasmas the lcd led are the best at this point. but if your going to get a plasma get the ext warranty on it .

That's really old information that you're quoting there. They fixed that problem already, and Plasmas go WAY past 1080p, at the 2010 CES show they did a 152" 2160p Plasma.



Advanced Reefer
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Trigger I bought my mother a samsung projection LCD. If the bulb blows you open a little flap pull out the old bulb- replace it with the 250 dollar bulb you buy and whallaa! The picture on hers is sick. AND Ive been over at her place watching it for the past almost 3 years and I can still find the door knob on my apartment entrance just fine lol.


Mainland Aquatics
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2160p? wow.. thats gotta be crazy clear.. the palsmas are great for fast moving sports so you dont get the blurry look.. i know lcd fixed that with the 120hz but i think the plasmas are around 420hz.. if i remember corectly.. all i know theyre all really nice and as soon as the 3d tvs are out well all be going eh all the lcd,leds, plasmas are junk..lol


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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actually gentleman it's 1080i which is basically the same as 1080p just a diff measure because of a different technology. The screen burn only happens if you have a constant image on the screen like motortrends said..best example would be when you put on a dvd and the title menu comes up. If you leave it at the title menu for a long period of time you will see a shadow when you shut it off but it's not permanent it goes away and plasmas actually have like a reset button on them that wipes it clean like amagnadoodle. I never had to use the button though it just goes away on it's own.

Which panasonic you have motortrends? viera? 4 series?


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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Trigger I bought my mother a samsung projection LCD. If the bulb blows you open a little flap pull out the old bulb- replace it with the 250 dollar bulb you buy and whallaa! The picture on hers is sick. AND Ive been over at her place watching it for the past almost 3 years and I can still find the door knob on my apartment entrance just fine lol.

projections suck they are not that great picturewise and if you look from the side you can't see good plus that bulb replacement you mentioned which you have to do every few years..it's really not worth it..and they are not lcd project they are DLP or Digital Light Projector


Mainland Aquatics
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its the viera.. i forget which model but it has the 1million to 1 contrast ratio, and dont remember if its 1080i pr p..which ever is higher.. tv was crazy expensive but got lucky and bought it open box for half price..still cost me abt 2grand..plus the yamaha suround unit and the blue ray...


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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2160p? wow.. thats gotta be crazy clear.. the palsmas are great for fast moving sports so you dont get the blurry look.. i know lcd fixed that with the 120hz but i think the plasmas are around 420hz.. if i remember corectly.. all i know theyre all really nice and as soon as the 3d tvs are out well all be going eh all the lcd,leds, plasmas are junk..lol

lcd 120hz is no good you want 600hz +
I went shopping for one recently for my aunt she wanted one "by the weekend" so we didn't have much time to look they wanted this sony bravia 46" lcd. I tried to get so many other model's went to best buy, pc richard and sears none of the stores had any of the other tv's I wanted to get in stock. So we ended up just getting the sony it was $810 and it's a piece of crap I gave them 1 of my sick monster cables and the picture still is not too good you can see a distortion when there is a soccer game or anything on it's just upsetting.go 600hz plus


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Far Rockaway
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Yes they said thay fix it but not with that screen saver thay say and only the bigger plazma from 50 on is 1080p and they run very hot there is a reson why gamers use lcd and not plasma even the sale rep tell you the plasma are no good.


Old School Reefer
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Had my Samsung 42" Plasma for a while now,yeah,you get the burn in but you should never play video games with it in the first place.Just lower the contrast and the brightness on it and the life of it will extend on it.Compared to my Aquos,the Plasma has a better picture.


Used as bait
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I will chime in here and probably surprise some...but I have a EDTV yes that's right, EDTV Zenith/LG 42" plasma that I've had since 2004 and the picture is absolutely superb. I have a 1080P Sony 37" XBR in my bedroom and it is very nice, but there is something about plasma picture that always makes it a favorite of mine. The thing with plasma is it needs some good image tuning out of the box and a nice careful break-in period...but now I watch everything and play XBOX360 and wii plenty with no ill effects.

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