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Park Ridge, NJ
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huh? u lost me there.. i think it goes in multiples of 60hz bc thats the speed at which our a/c voltage cycles coming into our homes...
buti could be interpreting your statment totally wrong..

Actually no it doesn't need to actually go in increments of 60, my computer refresh rate is at 75 hz. And the 8ms is the response time (time from doing an action to it showing up on screen).


Forever Noob
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Okay I am a little bugged at how much bad information is going around on the thread. For the mod, please note Television Choice/Display Choice is in the eye of the beholder (literally). If you were to go DLP (which isn't even in the question) some people's eyes process the colorwheel technology differently. They can see banding or the lack of one color as it spins. Furthermore, Black Levels may or may not even matter because after a certain point you might not even be able to tell. This depends on the size of the television and distance. More importantly it's the way you calibrate your display that's going to really make things count. I can almost gaurantee you that most of the general population doesn't have stuff calibrated properly. I used to do this with my cousin and he was a THX certified technician, so when I say calibration I'm not talking about Avia Tuning Discs lol.

Let's address a few egregious errors/issues.
-1080i vs 1080p is NOT virtually the same. It is VASTLY different. The differences come into play when you deal with 42+ inch size televisions.

-120Hz vs 240Hz vs 600Hz Subfield- The human eye doesn't even process this stuff fast enough after 120Hz. The 600Hz is NOT better than 120Hz when you speak to it from the hardware side and how things are processed. This is simply subjective when you view the TV. I would elaborate but right now I am a little too lazy. Make sure if you buy a 240Hz, that it's true and not just 120Hz sped up.

- There are 1080p Plasmas around...whoever said it's only 1080i... I have no comment.

- EDTV is very old technology and while I am sure it still looks nice there is stuff that is far superior. The main difference is the resolution.

-Keep in mind not only is display important, but SOURCE is even more important.

-Whoever bought Monster Cables... you grossly overpaid. You can get something on Monoprice for half the price. Do not buy into this Monster Cable garbage, it's the same compound of metal you can buy from monoprice without the name brand.-- Nobody stares at your cables and says... oOoo Monster. If there is improvement it's marginal at best.

-When you look at contrast ratios, keep in mind these are published by manufacturers so the measurement scales can be different. Best idea is to take a test movie along and see what you are comfy with. I use the Matrix because there are many dark scenes (especially in the tunnel chases).

-Plasma technology has come a long way, but Burn in is still a potential issue. Ie. if you leave a news channel on for a week straight... trust me the logos will be there. Also keep in mind Power Consumption is as follows (Most->least) Plasma->LCD->LED.

-When you pick a television it's never apples to apples, you can't say that "oh the bravia vs the aquos... the bravia sucked more," technology is implemented differently on each brand of television.

First select the size, then the look you want. From there... let's continue onwards. If you got the cash... I'd say go for anything in the Pioneer Elite brand... those you can't go wrong with lol.

-3D Television. Feel free to PM me if you want me to elaborate.
-To the person that said circuit city was awesome. It really wasn't. Prices were no where near as low as you can find and most of the time (MOST OF...not all) their models were lower tier.


MR's Greatest Member
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Isn't circuit city out of business? My opinion on it besides what AZNT mentioned about the Pioneer Elite( very nice and maybe the best tv avaliable) they are pricey also. There are really three brands that fall into the average range for people (cost wise that is). that are the best for the money and most reliable. I would say Samsung, Sony then the Sharp Aqous. Depending on what you want. The plasmas have come along way since a few years ago, but I believe the 600Hz is actual equal to the 120 of an LCD. The LEDs I have no real experience with, I have never owned one but they are very bright. I personaly have a 55" Sony XBR LCD and I love it. But the bedroom has a 32" samsung LCD. I also gave my mother my older projection Sony LCD which has a bulb indicator light. It has been running since 2001 with the same bulb, The indicator has yet to come on and I actually had it checked and everything is fine. Monster cables are a waste in my opinion and I would go with the best TV you can buy in your budget like ANZT said. Find the size you want and how much you can spend. And the 3D tvs will be expensive when they first come out. I persoanly like the LCD tvs, also Plasma is a gas and from what I have read not very good for you if the TV were to fall and break.


Mainland Aquatics
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i looked mine is actually 1080p.. the other stuff is all jibberish to me..it looks good and doesnt get a lil fuz when watching sports.. im happy with my plasma...

i def agree that monster cables are a waste of money(they work great but too expensive) and so are the cables from best buy(junk, if they move they cause the picture to mess up)
theres a site i used to buy all my hdmi cables at half the price of the bargain ones and a similar quality to monster..
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Advanced Reefer
Park Ridge, NJ
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but I believe the 600Hz is actual equal to the 120 of an LCD.

Ummm no 120 hz is not equal to 600 hz on Plasma, These are actual calculated figures based on how many times a picture is refresh/redrawn on the screen every second. For most tv application's you won't notice the difference, but it makes a huge difference in fast paced action where the next color in a sequence may not be a similar color as the previous, such as in video games. This is the where the term ghosting applies.


Experienced Reefer
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Wow, thanks for all of the advice. I want to go with at least a 52" screen. A 55" is what I am shooting for. As far as price range, I want to stay below $2000. I just want a good, rich color, sharp image picture. As far as the 3D tv's go, I am not the type of guy that needs the newest tech gadget out there. I just want a good picture and a reliable tv. Elementary school teacher here so I can't afford to by a new tv in a couple of years because this one shot craps early. Also, I don't watch much sports on tv, (short attention span, lol) mostly reg. network/cable programming, movies on dvd, etc.
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Advanced Reefer
Park Ridge, NJ
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Wow, thanks for all of the advice. I want to go with at least a 52" screen. A 55" is what I am shooting for. As far as price range, I want to stay below $2000. I just want a good, rich color, sharp image picture. As far as the 3D tv's go, I am not the type of guy that needs the newest tech gadget out there. I just want a good picture and a reliable tv. Elementary school teacher here so I can't afford to by a new tv in a couple of years because this one shot craps early. Also, I don't watch much sports on tv, (short attention span, lol) mostly reg. network/cable programming, movies on dvd, etc.

Well in that case a regular 60hz LCD 1080p tv would probably do well for you.


Advanced Reefer
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Wow, thanks for all of the advice. I want to go with at least a 52" screen. A 55" is what I am shooting for. As far as price range, I want to stay below $2000. I just want a good, rich color, sharp image picture. As far as the 3D tv's go, I am not the type of guy that needs the newest tech gadget out there. I just want a good picture and a reliable tv. Elementary school teacher here so I can't afford to by a new tv in a couple of years because this one shot craps early. Also, I don't watch much sports on tv, (short attention span, lol) mostly reg. network/cable programming, movies on dvd, etc.

it really depends on what you do with your TV. If you play lots of video games, stay far away from plasma. Any serious gamer will tell you this, burn in is still a problem. Plasma is sort of dead technology and will most likely be obsolete soon. I would say LCD with LED backlighting is the best all around right now execpt for the price. They may be a bit more expensive but they use far less power, super thin, and have incredible picture quality. Nevermind the fact that the LEDS will far outlast the cold cathode lamps inside normal LCDS. My freind has a 55" Samsung LED LCD TV and its really amazing. I also agree the 120hz Vs 240hz vs 600hz really doesnt mean much. You will not be able to tell the difference from 120hz vs 240hz. The refresh rate is more important than frequency espically if you play alot of First person shooter games and watch alot of fast moving movies.

Now if you want the best thing out there checkout the OLED tv which is a made up of ORGANIC LEDS. I saw one at the sony store, it really is beyond words how clear and thin it is:


Used as bait
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As much as I loathe the marketing and crap that goes with Monster and their grossly overpriced products...there WAS a difference with my HDMI cables after I purchased some monoprice cables. The monoprice HDMI would have audio dropouts from my cablebox...and the monster one did not. Same goes with USB when using pro-audio...the monster cable was better shielded and did not produce the same hiss that a stock cable would.
Like originally stated, I believe the biggest factor is viewing distance from set when dealing with 1080i vs. 1080p etc.


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not a big gammer -not at all in fact. We have a wii for the kids, but they play it couple times a week. We watch all types of movies, so fast action does happen.

If thats the case and you dont think burn in will be a problem you could get a plasma these days cheap. Personally, I dont know how much faith I would put in it being reliable, but I never had once since I play lots of FPSs on mine.


Advanced Reefer
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i think the monster cables are way over priced but are good quality.. thats what i waas trying to say and the best buy cables gave me all sorts of issues.. i found a comparable cable to the monster at abt half the price nline

I have the radioshack HDMI cables and they really dont give me any issues. Usually as long as the have the gold on the connections you should be fine. I would never buy monster cables it is a total waste of money. Anyone will tell you this.


Advanced Reefer
Park Ridge, NJ
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I also agree the 120hz Vs 240hz vs 600hz really doesnt mean much. You will not be able to tell the difference from 120hz vs 240hz. The refresh rate is more important than frequency espically if you play alot of First person shooter games and watch alot of fast moving movies.

Uhhh the hertz is the refresh rate, not the transmission "frequency".

gholtmeyer said:
not a big gammer -not at all in fact. We have a wii for the kids, but they play it couple times a week. We watch all types of movies, so fast action does happen.

The Wii with composite cables only goes 60 hz, so no need for anything higher there.
It all comes down to how much are you willing to spend, having the faster refresh rate can cost you between $100-$500 extra over the 60hz versions. Though this one on Amazon doesn't seem too bad.



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Do they even make 60Hz 1080p Tvs anymore? I haven't seen one for awhile now. And killer the sony site I went to was the site suggesting a 120Hz LCD was equievelient to a 600Hz plasma. Not my words and I also was told that when I picked up my 32" Samsung before I read it on Sony's site. I know its different tech but they said they are very comparable.

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