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I will be able to put it through my tests this week when I get back to work. Then I will know if I really like it.


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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Good luck with it. There is alot to learn with it. Took me two weeks to learn and customize it the way I like it. Now that I have owned it for a month... I can do anything within seconds now. I hope u like it. Im sure u will!


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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tips, well how do u like to text? do u prefect a touch screen qwerty keyboard where u hold the phone long way and text? or do u like to hold the phone normal to tex? i changed mine to instead of a qwerty keyboard while holding it normal, i have it set to a normal keyboard with only 9 buttons with 3 letters on each or whatever. helps me text alot faster. but thats up to you... also i love the stock weather app on top with the time, weather, temp, and date. very nice widget. for your camera, change auto focus off. it tries to focus wayy too many times. if u turn it off, all you have to do is click the screen anywhere u want the main focus to be, this is much easier.

for apps, YES apps needed. and some just for fun... here are my top pics...

"advance task killer". the free one. should be a little green android with an X on his stomach. make it a widget on your home screen and every time u click it it will close every app running. this will save the battery BIG time. this is a must and needed for that phone. even when u start your phone up, around 15 apps are already open, just click the icon widget and it will close them all. i click that button every time i lock my phone or turn it on. will save your battery ALOT. also turn off the 3g if your not using your phone. this is the biggest way to save your phone. i forget what its called but there is a widget icon u can download for it, so just a simple click will turn it on and off.

" incredible LED flashlight" is really cool, it turns the LEDs on for a flashlight, but has some bugs with it still, it will be fixed soon.

"fring" is cool, works as a video conversation while talking.

"pandora", "slacker", and "last.fm" is great for music.

"music wizard" is FREE music song download, and ringdroid makes all songs you put on your phone turns them into ring tones.

"video box" lets you save any youtube video to your phone without needing to go online. very cool.

"videovault" and "picture vault" locks certain pics and videos that require a password to view.

"uninstaller" is a good app to uninstall unwanted apps.

"TV.com" is a cool app, you can watch hundreds of tv shows for free.

"the weather channel" app is nice.

"the metal detector" is a very interesting app, no clue how it works but it does.

"google sky map" is AWESOME! u can see all the constallations in the sky and where every planet is at night, i use that alot and show off to friends lol.

"bluff my call" is a VERY cool but seems it should be an illegal app. it lets you call anyone with any number u want come up with on their phone. for instant if your friend say his name is mike, and his girlfriend name is kelly, you can call mike from your phone and make it say kelly is calling him, it will actually play her ringtone on mikes phone like she is REALLY calling him, AND you can change your voice to a female or different language. sooo crazy yet wrong but funny as hell lol.

"Gmote" is cool. it lets your connect to your computer wireless and if u have your itunes player running, you can change songs on your phone with it, or turn the volume up or down.

"movies" is a cool app for movies.

netflixs is coming to android very soon which will be AWESOME. no release date, just said fall of 2010.

"blow up" is my favorite game.

"droid mini golf" is alot of fun if your bored

"Mabilo ringtones" is a free ringtone app. download as many as you wish...

any questions with it? let me know i can help with all ur needs with it. i know some things are confussing, but its very simple.

also i dont know if your into ringtones or whatever, but if u are. save the ring tones to your computer. then hook ur phone up with the usb cord and when it opens the main file with everything on your phone, create a new file called "ringtones" and put your ring tones in there. when u go back on your phone and go into ringtones, they will all be there. that also works for alot of other things. if u want to organize pictures, go into your picture folder and make new folders called whatever u want and it will say that folder when u click photos on your phone. same with videos, caller ids, contacts, whatever u want.

good luck!
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It is a great phone. The native browser is so nice to use and the market place is so easy to navigate and use. Still getting to know the phone but it seems easy just have to remember there is no surepress.


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Ok here is my problem, I sync my music fine from windows media player but how do I sync my playlists?


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Great now I need to find a program to convert my blackberry playlists .m3u's to windows media player .wpl files.


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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there is an android app for that! i think its 99 cents or a 1.99. i cant remember the name though, sorry. i can find it for you though. all my songs came off my itunes player so i never had to convert. ill find out for you once i charge my phone...


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Raleigh, NC
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Queens, New York
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Anyone root their Incredible/and or any android device yet?

Just used unrevoked3...

Now just trying to figure out WHICH rom to install... and well how to install it.. haha.

Unrevoked was simple enough...

I'm thinking about getting ROM Manager... I think it installs roms for you...


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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:( Discontinued.

yeah i just noticed the incredible is not on verizon site anymore. only thing i can think of why is that the thunderbolt took over it, or they are getting ready for the incredible 2. i heard alot of talk about it, but im not sure if the incredible 2 just turned into the thunderbolt or not...

anyway, im a big big fan on the thunderbolt, but again, the size is just....:irked: its big....


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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None so far, but droid-life has confirmed the incredible S in already programmed in Verizon's computers and is already producing accessories for the phone...so I'm guessing soon?

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