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Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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The one thing I didn't know was that when you're not using it, you should turn off the GPS function to your phone cause it seriously drains your battery.

Just like beerfish said. DOwnload what advance app thing and set it for a widget. All you have to do Is click it and it closes all programs that are running that you forgot to close


Advanced Reefer
Park Ridge, NJ
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I have that app already, but the location services (With wifi and sattelites) still is active if you don't actually turn it off apparently. My batteries drained out within the day on saturday, and I didn't take my charger to my parents house.


Advanced Reefer
Queens, New York
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Task Manager is better.. it has more control.

SMS Popup is another useful app or more like tweak.

It pops up txt messages, even when the phone is locked so you don't have to go and unlock the phone to read the message, and you can send one back with out ever having to unlock the phone or go into the messages app.


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I have that app already, but the location services (With wifi and sattelites) still is active if you don't actually turn it off apparently. My batteries drained out within the day on saturday, and I didn't take my charger to my parents house.

Go to the marketplace and download WiFi Off and GPS Off. Add them as widgets on one of your home screens and you can turn them off easily when you don't need them.


Advanced Reefer
Queens, New York
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Go to the marketplace and download WiFi Off and GPS Off. Add them as widgets on one of your home screens and you can turn them off easily when you don't need them.

No need for that. Android OS comes with a built in widget called Power Control.

It creates 5 buttons on one of your 3 home screens, each button has the function to turn on or off either - WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS Satellites, Syncing, and Auto Brightness.

Thats the absolute best way to control all of those functions.. and also save battery life when supplemented with Task Manager.

Task Manager also has its own widget, which creates a little icon on the home screen, that when you press it, it kill every single app running for easy app killing. I noticed this gave me the absolute biggest boost in battery life.


Advanced Reefer
Northern Jersey
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honestly...everyday i still learn new things and love it. my girlfriend hates it because im on it 24/7 lol. soo many cool apps/widgets, so many cool fetures and i STILL cannot get over the fact about this camera! its crazy! honestly, after talking to so many people about this phone, i have not heard one single bad thing about it yet. its simply amazing. easiest way to say it..... its a labtop that fits in your pocket...............


Advanced Reefer
Park Ridge, NJ
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Yeah I really wish they had a bigger battery that could last a whole day of using the GPS. But the phone is great!

I found that the camera doesn't take tank shots too well, it turns out very blue for me, anyone else have that problem?

Like this.


They're supposed to be green.


Advanced Reefer
Queens, New York
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Yep yep.. I FINALLY got my hands on the Incredible!

SO much faster and slicker than the Droid.

I read this whole article on "conditioning" the battery of the Incredible to maximize battery life. - http://community.htc.com/na/htc-forums/android/f/91/p/2026/6832.aspx

I've found that simply being smart about power management really boosts life tremendously.

For instance, keep wifi off (when not in use), same with bluetooh, GPS antenna.

And using Task Manager widget for a one click/kill all running apps also does a great deal.

My only gripe.. which is basically geared towards the whole Android OS, is that there is no minimize/close program feature. For instance on a blackberry.. you can specifically close the app or let it run in the background. So.. yeh.

Amazing phone though. I just don't like the auto-focus of the camera, but I'm sure there will be an app soon to give you control of the awesome 8mp camera.

Games.. haven't really found anything that has caught my interest.

But I will say that Urban Spoon is the best app for figuring out what you want to eat on a Friday night.. haha.

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