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one frag at a time
New york
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Phillies by far

How anybody could pick the Phillies not to win the NL East by 5 games is looking through blinders. On paper right now the Phillies are the team to beat, if you think otherwise than your not thinking clearly.

I'm a die-hard yankee fan, and i coulda told u that one. If halladay owned the A.L, imagine what he's gonna do in the N.L.
If the mets werent so darn cheap and woulda gone out and spent some money then you guys woulda had a half-decent argument. besides bay and jacobs, its the same team as last yr, with an injured reyes, and a santana whos arm should go any day now


MR's Greatest Member
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I'm a Yanks fan but I think the Mariners are gonna be right there with them this year. The Yankees are getting older every year, The mariners have a lot of young guys that will be better this year. And the Mets NYCDOM you are correct the Phillies are gonna win that division. Are they still trying to get pujols???


MR's Greatest Member
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If his contract is up then he is a free agent lol. St Lous just gave out that large contract to haloday or whatever his name is and said they want to keep pujols but might not be able to. Trade him now and get all the players you can. texira gone from the yanks next year??? Pujols replacing him???


MR's Greatest Member
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I don't know , money talks unless he stays like Mauer and the twins. Which is very rare these days. He kows he will win with the yanks and that line up. They need to do something with their pitching


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Jersey Shore
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Ok, so this is coming from a Mets fan:

Bosox wild card

Cards wild card

(Mets finish last)

Cubs over the Yankees in 7


one frag at a time
New york
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This is coming from brian cashman's right hand.
cubs? yea right you got a better chance at raising sps in a skimmerless tank full of fish. Angels over boston? no chone figgins, no ace.
Seattle is taking the angels spot

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