How often do they have ppv's? Once every six months? I read a list of heavyweights in strikeforce, and they basically have 0 serious contenders to Fedor.
What a waste.
And who is a contendor in UFC for lesnor....the division has no one as well.....And fedor already beat half the guys that brock will be against.
brock has yet to take a serious punch or a cro cop head kick his time will end soon
You have 2 guys who are undefeated in Shane Carwin and Cain Velasquez. They may not turn out to be the greatest heavyweights off all time but right now they are undefeated and fighting each other for the right to face Lesnar. That makes them contenders. Who does strikeforce have that can actually beat Fedor or give him a good fight? Is there a single fighter?
In my opinion, M-1 through out a proposal they knew Dana White would never accept.
hey thane,
i'm assuming you're showing ufc 101 this sat? since i missed the last one, the missus and i are coming to this one. we're meeting a friend there...rhyan dela isla...he said he knows you....he used to hang there after work when he was managing my buddy's restuarant. he's in town from prague so we're gonna go hang at play.
we'll see you sat. night, tom
Brock Lesnar
washed up Crocop
washed up Nog
who has the more legit threats?