ClosetFishGeek Advanced Reefer Location Long Island, New York Rating - 100% 114 0 0 May 8, 2010 #201 5 hrs and counting.....
James Zen-Reefer Manhattan Reefs Location Bay Ridge, BK Rating - 100% 112 0 0 May 8, 2010 #202 i got money on daley and rua, they both win, i am almost making up for what the judges stole from me in oct. i also hedged my bet with a machida KO in the first which will almost negate my losing on daley if that happens.
i got money on daley and rua, they both win, i am almost making up for what the judges stole from me in oct. i also hedged my bet with a machida KO in the first which will almost negate my losing on daley if that happens.
JHOV2324 Love da Reef-er Location Brooklyn, New York Rating - 100% 85 0 0 May 25, 2010 #203 BLACK ON BLACK CRIME :afro: :fight2: :afro: this saturday RAMPAGE vs. SUGAR RASHAD EVANS Bisping vs. Miller Duffe vs. Russow I am planning on going to PLAY LOUNGE for this event...come join me for a drink and laughs...
BLACK ON BLACK CRIME :afro: :fight2: :afro: this saturday RAMPAGE vs. SUGAR RASHAD EVANS Bisping vs. Miller Duffe vs. Russow I am planning on going to PLAY LOUNGE for this event...come join me for a drink and laughs...
Euroreefer Advanced Reefer Location Bronx Rating - 100% 166 0 0 May 25, 2010 #204 Rampage is going to throw him a baeating! lol...Evans is going to get KO'ed again.:Starwars:
MatthewScars Guns, Razors, Knives. Manhattan Reefs Location Brooklyn Rating - 100% 59 0 0 May 25, 2010 #205 euroreefer said: rampage is going to throw him a baeating! Lol...evans is going to get ko'ed again.:starwars: Click to expand... +1
euroreefer said: rampage is going to throw him a baeating! Lol...evans is going to get ko'ed again.:starwars: Click to expand... +1
J j900 Advanced Reefer Location new jersy Rating - 100% 18 0 0 May 25, 2010 #206 Where are they fighting?
tangmaniac Advanced Reefer Location Queens NY Rating - 100% 141 0 0 May 25, 2010 #207 evans will get his ass whooped as he deserves
JHOV2324 Love da Reef-er Location Brooklyn, New York Rating - 100% 85 0 0 May 25, 2010 #208 I think if evans come with a good game plan he has a chance...but on the flip side he pissed off rampage and that can never end well.....
I think if evans come with a good game plan he has a chance...but on the flip side he pissed off rampage and that can never end well.....
JHOV2324 Love da Reef-er Location Brooklyn, New York Rating - 100% 85 0 0 Jun 4, 2010 #209 NEW YORK CITY here we come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEW YORK CITY here we come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
James Zen-Reefer Manhattan Reefs Location Bay Ridge, BK Rating - 100% 112 0 0 Jun 4, 2010 #210 hell yeah, fights at msg or yankee stadium... i am there for the first major event.
JHOV2324 Love da Reef-er Location Brooklyn, New York Rating - 100% 85 0 0 Jun 30, 2010 #211 July 3