another ignorant remark...... if you don't know the facts don't comment
it was a very unfortunate incident for all involved
I'm sure Mom will appreciate that you publicly acknowledge that she knows you break the law.
geez imagine you spend 20 years of your life working to put food on table, provide health care and roof over your kids head, and he/she throws away your pension because he/she ran their mouth and made comments they thought were cool
is there an excuse for ignorance??
relax guy, public intoxication is illegal as well but there are 300 responses to the "I'm drunk" thread.
I'm not a "smoker" but i think it's a little screwy that someone can get a criminal record that could screw up their future for smoking a joint, while the next person can drive home from a happy hour after having a few too many, get caught endangering lives of others, and it's more socially acceptable.
People don't smoke marijuana and go home to beat their wife.
It's not the fault of police officers, it's their job to uphold the law...But the laws are a little screwed up.
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