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Experienced Reefer
mt vernon/bronx
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i had a bad expierience with the cops too duke. me and my friends were infront of another friends house. so im smoking a ciggarete and leaning on my car. (brand new jetta , and my friends leaning on his audi). a cop van (unmarked )pulls up they all jump out say turn around face the cars. now im scared out my mind. i flicked my ciggy away. so he said to us. are you selling drugs we said no. he asked again as teh other cops searched us. and we again said no. he too my box of ciggeretes and smelled and examined every one of them. very embarasing. then he said he can give us a ticket for leaning on other peoples cars, and call it destroction of property. we told him thats they were our cars.( 2 young kids with realy niced cars..in the hood of the bronx ..yea right) he asked if he could search them, i said no ... go and get a dog and come back and ill let you sniff it at most. i was pi**ed off teh whole night that that happened. i didnt feel like they were doing there job i just felt like they were bored and tryed to score..... never again will i were a suite surrounded by people in regular jeans in the hood. makes me seem like a king pin.lol


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2 words for you "Contact List"

In your neighborhood it could be Hydro.

I'm out of the street drug loop :eek: what is hydro?

One funny story I will not forget is when an MR member carried a DAS BX-3 skimmer on the subway. He was stopped by a group of young officers and questioned. With all the tubes sticking out it looks pretty crazy. After a few minutes another cop came over and said 'hey stupids it's a skimmer let him go' :lol: I always wondered if that cop was on MR :splitspin


LE Coral Killer
Flushing, NY
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I always wondered if anybody was ever stopped for something like this. My neighbors sees I have all different types of people coming in and out of my place and only for a number of minutes and they exit with a bag.


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Hydro is hydrophonic marijuana. It is grown and preserved in water. Cheato in a bag look a lot like it.


Advanced Reefer
Vernon, NJ
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maybe we should set up a meeting with the deputy commissioner of community affairs, we can explain to them what we are about ,what reefing is about.
I'm sure they will set up an extensive training program so we can avoid misunderstandings in the future.

we can suggest they create a "prevent reefer harassment task force"
they can either monitor the site or we can notify them when we plan to do a trade or transaction. they can secretly monitor the local Pcts and make sure that we don't get harassed by the police!
after all we pay their salaries. ( I wish I had a dollar for every time I heard that in my career)
if they refuse we can always get the American civil liberties involved.
END POLICE HARASSMENT of Reef Hobbyists now!
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Barnum Island
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That is too funny Dom. I can just see the look on your face..lol

I'm expecting that someday I will get stopped as I frequently don't get out of my car to meet other reefers..especially if I am meeting them at night. I'm sure it looks very suspicious! lol

I have learned to appreciate that warm blue glow in peoples windows...gosh, I hope they are all reefers! :spin:


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Frank I just called and left a message for DCCA's CO. Re this topic unfortunately they were laughing so hard that I don't think it is going to happen. I think we need to organize a protest march on city hall!


No Coral Here
Montclair, NJ
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hah.. I assume that was that was me since I picked it up at 8. I'm surprise they didn't come track me down also. Now that would of been funny.

I was surprised they didn't track you down either :lol2: I didn't have anything after you took it so if they really wanted to know what it was you had it :) They may have been following you though because as soon as I said what it was the PO used his walky talky :scratch:
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