i had a bad expierience with the cops too duke. me and my friends were infront of another friends house. so im smoking a ciggarete and leaning on my car. (brand new jetta , and my friends leaning on his audi). a cop van (unmarked )pulls up they all jump out say turn around face the cars. now im scared out my mind. i flicked my ciggy away. so he said to us. are you selling drugs we said no. he asked again as teh other cops searched us. and we again said no. he too my box of ciggeretes and smelled and examined every one of them. very embarasing. then he said he can give us a ticket for leaning on other peoples cars, and call it destroction of property. we told him thats they were our cars.( 2 young kids with realy niced cars..in the hood of the bronx ..yea right) he asked if he could search them, i said no ... go and get a dog and come back and ill let you sniff it at most. i was pi**ed off teh whole night that that happened. i didnt feel like they were doing there job i just felt like they were bored and tryed to score..... never again will i were a suite surrounded by people in regular jeans in the hood. makes me seem like a king pin.lol