House of Laughter said:
Well, I don't think this is the issue - I know that the GUlf refineries supply 20-25% of the US's oil, but that's what strategic reserves are for - emergency, and I would categorize this as an emergency. It will be interesting to see what does happen as people are beginning to curtail their habit of use (GO JENNIE) and gas demand will drop dramatically.
Economists will show (Albert, drop in here), however, that US gas prices have been artificallly low for years now and should have moved up a long time ago. So, we have bene playing the cheating game for a long time. That's why when the prices went up over a months time, the market barely moved.
Let's see what happens after all the flying back and forth, airplanes, helicopters, busses, etc and that will add to the fire.
i think gas prices hve been high for a while ,dont look at the price per gal ,look at on how much it cost to hold a car ,ok you paid insurance ,pay for the car,,now you need extra money for gas ,it used to cost me 20 bux to fillmy tank 6 yrs or so ago ,today it 60 ,thts over 200% in ten yrs ,,what else has not gone up ,your pay check ,,,,an average person make whaat 35 to 40 k yrs ,thats average ,,they cant affford a car after paying rent and al the good stuff ,,why arent the ppl pay check going up ,why arent there more jobs out there for ppl ,,,why is everything going up and not your pay check . we allpay for natural and ppls bad doing ,but stil lcant understand why pay checks stay the same ,tickets went up 100% taxes went up ,ill tel lyou why ,,,these RICH BOZOS who own all the big company dont fell the affct of 9-11 or Katrina ,,in the beging yes ,,but yet raise prices the lost money is being made back ,,then we as citizens stuffer paying higher prices ,,with the same ay check ,,
so really where is all the money over the yrs that ppl are pocketing ,,dont these big compny collect insurance ? and when is our pay checks going up 200 or so percent so ppl could stay afloat...i hate seeeing all this caios ppl should nt have to go through this in 2005 ..i made better money in the 80s and 90s ,,cuz of lower living cost ,now i se myself just working for paying bills and alittle extra money for reefing