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Advanced Reefer
Queens, 11377
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Simply put the trend of having multiple HDMI ports is:
- 1 for the cable/satellite TV
- 1 for DVD (either BlueRay or HD-DVD)
- 1 for graphic intensive gaming consoles (X-Box and PS3, there is also a converter for the Wii)

and a partridge in a pear tree.

Happy Holidays!!


Advanced Reefer
Queens, 11377
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I think for now that is a safe bet. The electronics industry is trying to simplify the way A/V components "speak" to one another. The one wire solution for both sound and video presented by HDMI, is a step in that direction.


Senior Member
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One does not need to spend $100+ on an HDMI cable. Computer World Magazine did a study on HDMI cables and found that your garden variety $20 cables provide comparable quality.

Personally I'm staying away from both HD and BluRay DVDs until a single format wins over the other. The players might be cheaper now, but if you pick the losing format - you'll have all these DVDs you'll have to replace down the road.

From the research I did on the TVs before getting my plasma I recall that both LCD and Plasma have the same lifespan.


Old School Reefer
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And the great info continues. Glad I can still read, cause RIF!! :lol2: I'm trying to absorb all this info and it still continues to create confusion.

I'll keep y'all posted. It will happen within the next couple of days btw.

Oh, one last thing. Does anyone have any experience buying either type or style or brand online? Does going to a brick and mortar store offer any advantage (other than having to pay whopping sales tax)?

Thanks again,


Advanced Reefer
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Lots of my friends have purchased from Costco and enjoy it cause it easy to just pick it up and they're great on return policies. That and they have some of the best prices around.

Another route is to buy from Amazon.com.

With Circuit City and PC Richards, believe it or not, but you can actually haggle the price. The salespeople get paid off of commission and they are willing to negotiate the price. I've done it and save $200 bucks total, with sales tax and all.


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Buy 1 of each and give the one you don't like to me :biggrin: That should solve everything. :lol2:


Rating - 98.2%
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russ just 1 more thing. i would strongly say do not hook up the Wii to this thing. i wouldnt let the chance of anything happening to it. also the Wii does not have a hdmi port. so standard cables apply. it also is not HD. just an FYI. ps3 is blue ray and 360 you have to buy the attachment for another 180$ to get HD dvd. happy hd hunting.


Old School Reefer
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russ just 1 more thing. i would strongly say do not hook up the Wii to this thing. i wouldnt let the chance of anything happening to it. also the Wii does not have a hdmi port. so standard cables apply. it also is not HD. just an FYI. ps3 is blue ray and 360 you have to buy the attachment for another 180$ to get HD dvd. happy hd hunting.

Just great........Wii is the one thing my son is dying to hook up. What are the pitfalls of hooking it up?


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