Tony, would love to hear a month to month evaluation of Green Mountain as you go forward. A month and a half of history is not nearly as reflective as needed to base an opinion. The reality of it is, you've only been with GM for one billing cycle.
The thought of switching is very enticing. My problem is multi-level. First, reading the bill we receive monthly from O & R is like trying to decipher hieroglyphics. Even with the 'laymans' definitions on the back of our bill I still don't understand their gibberish.
The next issue is how to compare the month to month bill we would receive from the new energy supplier. Since our bill, like everyone else's, varies so much monthly that I wouldn't even know if the new supplier was charging more or less than our current supplier. Since one bill stops when the other starts, how do you know your current supplier is charging less than your previous supplier? It is beyond confusing. Here are a couple of billing line items on our electric bill and the associated definition on the back of the bill 'explaining' the charge:
- Forecast Mkt Sup Chg and Mkt Supply Chg Adj (these are two separate charges on the bill yet one definition on the back of the bill) - recovers electric supply costs incurred by O&R on behalf of its full service customers. The Forecast Market Supply Charge reflects market prices, while the Market Supply Charge Adjustment reconciles differences between prior period electric supply costs incurred by O&R and recoveries from its customers.
- Merchant Function Charge - for full service customers reflects certain costs associated with procuring electricity, and procuring and storing natural gas, as well as costs incurred by the company related to the credit and collections activities and uncollectible accounts.
I think they purposely word these things to be as confusing and vague as legally possible.