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Tired Member
Great Neck
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Kinda excited and disappointed at the same time. Only 8 episodes and we'll have to wait for the rest of the season after the writers strike is over.

"We have to go back, Kate!"

My prediction is that the reason why they're back is because they negotiated a deal with the people on the boat that they were the only ones rescued and left the rest of the people behind on the island. That's why Jack is in the state he's in, his guilt and need to 'fix' people.

Just my theory :)
Upper East Side
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Are you people kidding me?! How is it a dissapointment? If anything, the show continues to get better. A lot of questions have been answered (i.e., YES pushing the button did do something, not pushing the button caused the plane crash, dharma people were gassed by Ben, etc.) new and interesting characters have been introduced, and we get to see an exciting new side to the story. I'm only disappointed to only get 8 episodes. STOP STRIKING STUPID WRITERS.


Senior Member
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but. with every answer and story he reveales he leaves us with 15 more questions lissa.

We get one answer just to be like WTF to 5 others that don;t get answered. just to wait another year or two for the answer and go through a 4-6 month time period mid season befoe it starts up again

Plus they had 2 hours of reruns yesterday and an hour today of backstory. Website says 2 hour premiere. Im dissapointed at only a half hour.
Upper East Side
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In all fairness to the writers/producers, they wanted to avoid the six episodes, then a break, then the rest of the season phenomenon. They couldn't predict the writers strike which will leave us with half a season. :(

Sure there were a lot of WTF, but not that there is an end date, I have faith that while we will continue to get more questions, we'll also get more answers.

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