There is one thing I have to say for this show- I really hope they don't leave it 'open-ended' and never fully answer all the questions! I can't stand when movies/shows do that- I like definitive answers!!!!
I cannot believe that they killed ecko :irked: he was my favorite character.
wtf is smokie??? how annoying can this show be? I have a huge love/hate relationship w/ Lost right now- I really hope they stop introducing new things and just start explaining what is going on.
Is it really the season finalle next week???? It seems it only had a few episodes! And if you take into account the 60% of each episode is just commercials then you hardly had any season!
sucks that they killed Eko, wish they killed off those two new characters. where did they come from? all of a sudden they just show up and its like they were part of the story to begin with.
next wk is the last new episode till early next year. maybe they needed more time to write? this season started good, but its fading fast
The season finale was put in because they are taking a several week break from rereleasing the rest of the season due to filming complications or something like that. Its taking them too long to film the parts for some reason, alot due to bad weather. Its a free gimme for them already stating that they were taking a break for a few weeks before the season started. Too bad an extended showing next week is total BS. they should air it when its done. just delay the season till its finished not take a break. Expect to lose a week of lost due to a recap of this season and last season again when they re-air it.
So after next week we won't see lost for a while. And from the looks of it they are losing ALOT of viewers who are just waiting for the season to be over and watching it on DVD or downloading the whole season and watching it as a whole. Pretty sure lost won;t be on after this season, or its going to be worse because of the loss of cash flow for it.