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skylab1":31301zqm said:
Matt_Wandell":31301zqm said:
So then it should be a simple task to take a picture of those same mushroom corals fully opened, right?

That is correct, and I will do so as soon as I got my camera back from the shop today I hope. :cry:


Snake USMC

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In response to the last few posts.

No, you may have coral sand in your tank without any problem. In my larger tank, I have a bed of 2 to 3 inches so certain fish can hide in it as they normally do during the day or night, depending upon the species. It is not for NO3 reduction.

BOD is the main cause of Nitrate build up in an aquarium. If you allow your sand to become impacted without cleaning it, your BOD will rise. Thus, your nitrates will rise also. How many times have you heard, well I did a X amount of water change and in 1 to 2 days the same values of Nitrate are there again??? It is easy, the BOD is a bank where Nitrate Is kept so when the values have changed with a water change, then the bank releases (the amount of BOD) to be equal again. IF you don’t believe me, simply do a water change with high nitrates and p. Watch how they come back very quickly. Now after two weeks, vacuum the gravel this time was you change water, and watch how slow and those values return. This is considered good house keeping.

As stated before, if you simply use the Right Now! Bacteria it will reduce all phases of Ammonia and nitrites, an a little nitrates and a little P but not much without the TBPC

Concerning carbon, this is the response I usually receive, so lets look at it in it’s correct state. A normal wet dry is usually 12 X 14 X 18 inches. Granted some may vary but this is the normal sizes if you check with your LFS. The turn over is usually 10 times an hour which is the very same as the Hiatt System, so this is not biggie because this turn over is what is normal in fish shops and most tanks. Now if you look at the dimensions of the wet dry, you will notice it is larger than one cubic foot. Now if you have in this wet dry depending upon the type of bio balls employed, you can have 2 cubic or a little more feet of bio balls. The TBPC in a cubic foot is usually 28 - 30 pounds. Thus only eight pounds does not take up that much space, in fact, it takes up less space under your aquarium than a normal wet dry. That is a MAXIMUM amount of TBPC carbon and that is all you need if you wish to cycle in 24 hours and reduce P and NO3 in your tank.

Concerning the Trace element blox since you do not know how it works other than dissolving, yes, it does replace the required amount of trace elements needed to sustain life. Some people even dose more, but remember it is their tank and people do what they desire.

People have used the carbon for 5 years before replacing. As long as they have kept it clean either by back flushing or running it under cold tap water. No, if you simply rinse the TBPC for a min or two in cold tap water to remove the dirt, it will not kill off all the bacteria and in 24 hours it will come back to normal standards. If you have a very high amount of chlorine in your tap water you can simply put water in a bucket, add Chloradsorb, and then use that water to rinse your carbon for 60 to 120 seconds or so.

Replacing your live sand, (which you do not have to do) etc, is up to you. Remember it is your tank and you do what you desire.

The advantage of the24 cycle is you simply set the system up like prescribed, and keep it clean, and you will have either low or zero nitrates and Phosphates in your system. The other method, you still must contend with these and other values that build up in your system.

Anyone who says you do not have to do water changes is way out of the park. You do water changes because even this bacteria does not remove all things and the normal nitrogen cycle only removes certain things. Plus when you do remove the water and vacuum the gravel to relieve it of BOD it makes for a healthy tank. Over feeding is not a problem, because the protein is broken down so fast. Granted, if you just dump in handful of food, you can overburden the system, but if you over feed, no big deal as it is in the regular system. Granted you will have some protein bubbles on top of your water for a while, but at the same time, you will have no ammonia etc.

Your other creatures will not starve, I have not seen that in a tank, unless someone does not feed them like they should. At least with this system you can now feed the organisms more food without worry.

I can see your attempt to regards to Ca and other levels. If you use our pH rock in conjunction with the TBPC then your pH, and Ca, (and other levels) will rise to the levels they should be. This is a very simple system. IF you desire to dose your tank, again it is your tank and you should be the judge of it of how you want to handle it. I have just make keeping a tank and it’s organisms much easier and simpler than before.

Since I am in the Environmental Business, you statement regarding specialized bacteria is no longer valid. Granted there are some, but we used different strains to accomplish the desire effect that we intend. Thus, the government has found a strain of bacteria that lives in salt water, that can break down nuclear waste. This is not intended use, but it has these functions.

No you are not close. Remember in Biology we were instructed that all forms of life on this earth are carbon based. Now we find certain organisms living at vent holes on the bottom of the sea or in volcanos, are sulphur based. So, so much for that theory. But until we find other non carbon based organisms in this world, at this point we can state that most of the organisms in this world are carbon based. So are my organisms.

All organisms need trace elements, including my bacteria. You and I need trace elements to survive. If the trace elements are in the blox they will consume it. If it is dosed by other methods, they will consume that. In fact the normal cycle also consumes trace elements you put into the water, other wise they would die. If they did not have P then their RNA would cease to function, like everything else on earth. You can use your “special” additives if you so desire.

I never said it would kill off the other bacteria. I simply stated and please read again my post, that the Right Now will out compete the other organisms for the same food.

This is a natural ecosystem because these same organisms are found in nature and have not been altered.

There is no effect on the species you can keep in the tank, and remember, if you look in the ocean there are BILLIONS of different types of bacteria in the water.

The method you described on how you cycle a tank is how we use to do at Long Beach Fisheries in the 1970's. It worked then and it should work now.

Respectfully submitted,



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Did I miss somthing or did you not post anything about HNO3 here like you did in the other thread? HNO3 is Nitric acid brother.
Explain how that has a place in any aquarium let alone a marine aquarium where the inhabitants are twice as susceptible to chemical reaction?

Your tri-carbon seems to me like it is only zeolite, activated carbon,and ceramic beads.
Explain how this works "exactly". So far ( to me) this is a song and dance routine.
Only its alot of dancing to a song with no lyrics.

If this were as tried and true (as you stated you have been developing it for the past 10 years or somthing) not only would we all have it in our tanks at this very moment, but every fish hatchery, salmon station, Coral and fish collection station, and armed forces all over the world would buy it. the very face of this hobby would be changed by now, filter makers would be out of business, and public quariums around the globe would make you the richest man on the planet.

Snake USMC

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No, I was not wrong when I wrote HNO3. I know fully well what HNNO3 is. I come across it in the environmental business all the time. What you don’t understand, is even in the regular cycle a very small amount of HNO3 is produced.

Concerning my TBPC, you are way off, because again you are thinking in the past rather than the future.

You asked why people have not jumped on my idea, simple, because they do not believe it as you do not. But when they test it, they do, When the article from the Government comes out in their Magazine, I shall post it on the board. We have been selling our system for environmental concerns, because they are more willing to accept certified test results from Certified Labs , then the aquarium trade.

Let’s put it this way, IF I even mention the Hiatt Nitrogen Cycle on Reef Central, within 24 hours I am locked out by that board. Why are they so afraid. Try it yourself. Log in under a different name on that blog, and then state you are setting up a tank using my methods. Watch what will happen to your thread.

People are very scared of change. That is the enter block to this system. I am selling to different Public Aquariums my products, I do not list normally my clients. I have listed two on the other nano reef who have been using it for years, and I have listed certified test results.

Concerning the production of HNO3, which I am well aware of. Unless you see the system perform and you notice the fish and all invert loss drop using my system, this is not a problem with the HNO3. It is a by product of bacterial respiration. Some bacteria give off more than others, and if this was not a fact, then these organisms would not be found in nature.

The problem with the other system, is usually you are on the edge of the cliff when and if you make even a small error, your tank goes south. (Marine Corps term for crashing) In my system, you have more variance than the old system.

Now concerning filters, (reference again Reef Central) if in fact my system did not work, and they have all these people who make these filters on that board, and suddenly the people on that board find out they do not need all that extra equipment, well you could see where the dollars go.

Here is a thread on another board and you can see the Hiatt System at work. Massive amounts of equipment needed, etc everything dead because of HNO3 and everything that could go possible wrong - has not.

Just because this acid has never been address in the aquarium field, does not mean it does not exist in your aquarium. Remember Cl is also toxic to both man and fish, but in very small amounts it does not harm either. But in elevated amounts it is very deadly.

http://www.maast.org/index.php?name=PNp ... ic&t=17996

Respectfully submitted,



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"When the article from the Government comes out in their Magazine"

Who and what magazine?

"Goes south" ( marine corp term for gone wrong)" Dont make me bust you on military terminology :) The terms used are "shiat sandwich",and " screw the pooche" I just recently fully retired from the Navy. :)
"Snake" was a pejorative term used in the 60's to describe women in the Marine corps. No joke. It was.

I strongly feel that your fish will become sick bay commandos with this system in a small tank.

Now, All I keep reading about so far is how wonderfull "it" is and
How public aquariums, and fisheries are using "it".
But you wont tell us what "it" is,provide us with scientific data staing that "it" works, or give us a link to where we can buy "it", or read bout it further. We have to go by your word here. Which is contadicting, and speculative. Just direct us to your website, or a customers website who
can provide us with the proof we seek, in physical results.
Or even the US paten number so we can look that up.

The link you posted is bogus. Shows no photos of anything you are sugesting what so ever as usual. Only talks about Ph rock once and said they didnt use it..

NHO3 is a direct result of a molecular by-product of Nitrobacter Bacteria breaking down ( as in rotting). Not normal respiration of the molecules.
THe reason they woulnt exist in nature is because they all feed off of each other as they break down and rott away. If there was nothing to break down they would die off until the proper levels returned. Thats called a tank crash.

RC is a very wierd place you will be banned rom there by simply sneezing, but I suspect they banned you for starting a thread that cause the loss of live stock in great numbers if any one tries it.
Change is not bad. I welcome change. Changes proposed with no real physical,or scientific proof are not welcome.

I am glad there are people such as your self out there that are willing to take the time to perform such experiments to help further the hobby.
With such radical sugestions though you are going to have to do better than the explinations you have given us so far.
We want real proof. Not lessons on how the cycle process works.
We already know this.
Give a direct and clear explination of how YOUR product works.
Stop giving us partial scientific data with missing variables, and swaying off the description of your product half way through it every time. If you dont you are going to get the same results on every board you visit.


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There is no effect on the species you can keep in the tank, and remember, if you look in the ocean there are BILLIONS of different types of bacteria in the water.

Altogether, there are 1.4 million identified species on earth. There could be an equal number still unidentified, but you have to go a long way to get to billions.

I'd stay to discuss other points, but I have to get some of that nuclear-waste eating bacteria for the Eco-aqualyzer I keep in my space shuttle. :wink:


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What we need is a super charged hybred uv-co2-ozone dulle reactor system, which unfortunately is still in the resurch stage...

Oh, that, and more cowbell.


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Cow bell Rocks!!!

"Respectfully submitted,


Ps, I shall only address your comments on the other Nano Board because of my limited time. So if you desire for a response, go there. I shall not post here again. Also you will find test data by Certified Laboratories concerning our product (out house testing)"

Where is it?


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Flabello Meandroid":3uy87mr0 said:
There is no effect on the species you can keep in the tank, and remember, if you look in the ocean there are BILLIONS of different types of bacteria in the water.

Altogether, there are 1.4 million identified species on earth. There could be an equal number still unidentified, but you have to go a long way to get to billions.

I'd stay to discuss other points, but I have to get some of that nuclear-waste eating bacteria for the Eco-aqualyzer I keep in my space shuttle. :wink:

Well said. :lol:


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Good find vitz. The secret formula is out. :)

Bacillus megatarium [sp? megaterium?]
bacillus cereus
(has been known to cause food poisoning)
Bacillus licheniformis
(also can cause food poisoning)
Bacillus subttilus [sp, subtilus]
Bacillus sphaericus
(this one is used as a pesticide/mosquito-cide)
Bacillus pasteurii
Bacillus cirroflagellosus
Bacillus pumilus
Enterabacter sakazakii [sp? enterobacter]
(this one can be found in infant formulas sometimes and has been known to cause infections in neonatal infants on occasion)

All of these can be found pretty commonly in soil, water, and vegetable matter. I guess the novel part is mixing them together in this fashion and throwing them into an aquarium.


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Snake USMC":186pla2d said:
Good Day People,

I am Snake. I normally do not inform people how I received the name. I shall make an exception. I was given that name by the Late Sgt. Mac USMC because I can move through the jungles very fast, quietly, as a snake in the grass. Later on (two years) , I tore a man’s throat out with my teeth when he attempted to kill me and my Brother Marine. Enough said.

Since I have receive NO phone calls, which I gladly gave my office phone number to SkyLab1 and said I would call back so the person calling would not be stuck with the large bill.

1st. I do NOT give any confidential information. If you believe I should then please write Northrupt and ask them for the inner workings of their ECW, or Intel and request all their data concerning how they make their chips. When they gladly give you their trade secrets then I shall be next to follow.

2nd . This is NEW SCIENCE. Do not relate anything you have learned before hand because this does not apply to what you learned in the hobby, or school.

3rd . I had 11 years of failures and 5 years in the Patent office. The Examiner, called me numerous times to explain to him (he had is PhD in Bacteria) because it was so radical. Finally when I convinced him and 40,000 dollars poorer, I received my patents.

4th The system is based upon math, nothing else. We have formulas which we use and if one follows the math, it works every time, not some of the time. If you read comments that it did not work, usually one of the parameters is out of whack. We ask people to call and after a series of question tell them what is wrong. They follow our instructions and in 24 hours they see results.

5th Have been in the Carbon Business since 1976. I use to write for TFH magazine a while back. I wrote many articles concerning Activated carbon. What I see posted on these boards makes me laugh because the people are repeating misinformation concerning carbon that others have published, or have “thought to be the case”

6th When using our system, the following happens every time, not just some of the time.
a) 24 total AEROBIC Cycling. This can be achieve in either Fresh, brackish or salt water. I have a 19 L (Five Gallon) tank set up with the box filter, two watchman gobies and 2 percs for SEVEN YEARS. No substrate at all, just the box filter, Trace element blox and a 20 percent water change every two weeks. I no longer check my values because when I have run them through to make sure it was accurate in my HP GC, the values of N and P were in the (for the hobby only I use this term which is incorrect) Parts per Billion not million.
b) Reduction of Nitrates (NO3) AEROBICALLY. As you noticed the Ocean Enviro LLC test clearly shows that. This company is involved in a multi BILLION project concerning Waste Water and Drinking water nitrate reduction. No Mal gas occurs, only N2 and CO2.
c) Reduction of Phosphate. Many of the hobby tanks that have followed our instructions, have shown N=0 and P=0 as long as they keep the TBPC cleaned.
d) Elevation of pH, Ca, etc ALK without precipitation. When I read that post, I realized people were thinking along old science and not new science. We have achieve growth rates of 2.5 to 3 INCHES a year on giant clams whereby normally 1/4 inch or a little more is considered great.

7th No need to use a skimmer. A fractionator in the environmental business is the same as a skimmer in the aquarium business. We DO use fractionators for FRESH WATER. The protein is consumed by this bacteria so quickly your fractionator will no longer function. One less piece of equipment needed and maintained.

8th There are no need for bio balls (which were invented for distilling alcohol) or a fluid bed.

9th The only components needed are TBPC, Right Now! Bacteria, pH Rock (if it is your desire to stabilize your pH and Ca levels in 24 hours, and trace element blox. A pressure filter is the best because the it elevates ONLY in the canister the DO.

10th. The DO (by meter not by aquarium test kits) in Fresh water is usually 10+ ppm (Gas measurement in water) and 8+ ppm in Salt water.

11th No additional pumps are needed. Only the discharge from the filters.

12th No additional filtration is need.

13th, there is NO difference in the normal Nitrogen Cycle in the ocean and in fresh or brackish water. The same with the new Nitrogen L or cycle of mien.

This is an overview for you to digest. We do NOT nor have we in the PAST nor shall we in the FUTURE sell to the public. Please do not ever ask, the answer is NO!

Now to clear up a few misconceived notions.

Water DOES off gas at the surface. Where do you think the ocean, rivers, and streams have their gas exchange rate? That is why the CO2 which does not have a great affinity for water. When CO2 is driven off, it creates a small vacuum and air enters solution.

I suggest you read the book Biological Treatment of sewage and Industrial waste, Aerobic Oxidation, Reinhold Publishing Corporation

Corals inhabit the same ecosystem as fish, thus the flow rates for both should be the same, but in this hobby for some reason someone had decided the flow rates are different.

Concerning lighting Dr Ashley has been conducting year long tests with lighting and the aquarium [email protected] He has found what his scientific data presents is totally opposite of what is touted by the aquarium trade. You most likely can read his reports when he publishes them in his book, but not before hand.

I cannot believe the misinformation concerning Activated Carbon. There are many different carbon materials that Activated Carbon is made of. The CTC or Iodine number (the molasses testing for activity has not been used for years, so when someone quotes that, I smirk) does not reveal the true components of what the carbon is made of and how it will perform. We tailor make carbon for industrial / environmental companies, so we must know what and why certain carbon materials work or do not work in certain cases. Guessing and relaying false information only hurts this hobby without that person knowing they are doing as such.

Now if anyone wishes to contact me via phone again my phone number is 562 428 9973 M-F PST for further information.

Remember the bumble bee cannot fly because of it’s aerodynamics, Man cannot travel faster than 60 miles and hour before he dies, You cannot make and fly in a machine that is heaver than air, how can you be so silly to think pictures can fly through the air and end on a screen so you can see themman can never walk on the moon, and there is no such thing as a 24 totally Aerobic Nitrogen Cycle for aquarium tanks (or anything else for that matter) because the “experts” have deem it such.

Respectfully submitted,

[email protected]

i, for one, am definitely not impressed, with either your product, or your personal history -after all, i've proven that i am impervious to grenades! can you top that ?

long live the KoF&L! :P

Snake USMC

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Hello there,

Here are answers to your response,

Small Flows is the Magazine. It is a government publication. Thus, it is a good publication that concerns all the different ways to handle waste water treatment.

Going south is a Marine Corps term. Not a Navy term. We had different terms in the Corps than the Navy. In the 70's Snake did not refer to a Woman Marine. There was another term which was used which was a degrading term no longer used. I ought to know. None of the fish are sick bay commandos. People for years have found that to be true when using the compound.

Please start with the first page of this thread and you will see test results concerning our product from outside labs. You will notice everything you requested in your missive, has already been answer there.

All of our species are listed with the ATCC and are listed as class 1 organisms. If you know class 1 (there are four classes) then you will see they are harmless. They are the defining authority, not you nor I. Most any bacteria can cause illness because it has the ability to mutate. That is the reason I always check with the ATCC which ones are class 1 and do not use a class 2, 3 or 4. (Class four would be Ebolia, HIV, TB, etc) Very nasty organisms. In some wholesalers water and thus retailers water you will find such organisms Mycobacterium marinum This use to be a very uncommon organism, but I know of two cases whereby it was picked up by surfers in the local waters, and another case from a fish tank when the person had an open cut on their hand. It is contained in both fresh and salt water. But then again, because of the slow growing organism, which if left untreated is life threating, does not stop us from the aquarium hobby.

But just because you know the names, the mixture and other things contribute to the 24 hour cycle. They are listed in my patent for all to see, there by giving me patent protection. Our patents are listed on our web page of http://www.HDLtd.com so it does not take a mental giant to link them up with the patent office, does it.

Only took 11 years to come up with this compound. They are listed in my patents.

And Viz, since you have not tested the product, how can you make such an assumption on how it works? Shows you are turning a blind eye to new science.

So, now to the point at hand, does or does not my compound work? IF it does not work, then it is snake oil, but if it does work, (look at the preceding pages of this thread to see the test data and different shops who have used it) then what do you have to say regarding test data.

Respectfully submitted,



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I only wanted to insert one clarification point I've noticed... BOD is an abbreviation for biological oxygen demand, and in my concept of the term it relates to the overall oxygen budgets required to maintain life-sustaining metabolic activities of those organisms deemed aerobic or 'facultatively' aerobic during that metabolic phase if the shoe fits... Adding any aerobic bacteria to the system will increase the BOD technically, but you only get a rise in nitrate production if you supply them with proteinic foodstuffs that are eventually deaminated to liberate ammonia in its oxidized forms...the nitrogen cycle as we currently view it. I agree with your bed-cleaning regimen and it's measurable effect on nitrate rebounds, but I say that's more of a function of protein removal (and the common water change phenomenon) than it is an address of oxygen requirements for the organisms that degrade the proteins.

I'm not one to be closed-minded to new science, but as I am trying to contemplate your steps and methods this definition of the origin of nitrate keeps throwing me for a loop, that's all.

Just my two cents, I could be way off

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