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I know some build off participants are of the female perversion. To those of you I know of:

Oceans Ferevh

Kick some big brutha butts with your build off tanks and good luck.

If I missed any ladys, please feel free to let me know and good luck to you too. :P


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And what exactly is wrong with being a girl?


Good luck gals, I guess it's time to take the gloves off and get serious about our tanks, especially since davidmohr has thrown down the gauntlet.



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David Mohr just rode into town!

*runs in circles screamin like a girlie*


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Hehe Unleashed, just saw your tank with the nuclear reactor ontop of it as a lighting source! You're going to make my LEDs look like a candle


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It's wicked bright, yeah. The tank is only 12 inches deep 8O but its a stony coral tank, so I'll need it.


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Man.. that is a nuclear reactor.

Re the back of your tank Unleashed, you should do something original and neat with it :) For my nano, I took one of my favorite background images of an anime character and messed around with it quite a bit in photoshop and ended up with this purple, black cloudy looking thing that sets off the purple coralline on the rock really nicely :)



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stony coral tank? heck those things are going to turn to liquid magma under that thing :)

And what's a background?? :D


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*snerk* :D

Jolieve, I haven't been able to think up anything original yet :P I haven't devoted much effort towards that end, mind you. I figure the coralline will eradicate any effort I make towards an artistic rendering, so I am hesitating on what to do... speaking of which, I right-clicked on one of your tank pics and saved it to my hard drive. I have a folder where I keep pics that inspire me artistically. Your camera makes your pictures look like watercolor paintings. Maybe I will just paint your entire tank to be my background :P :P :P :twisted:

Sfsuphysics, a background is what is behind you when you ain't looking, and no, you are NOT paranoid if they really are after you :wink:


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Well the two of you have some nice looking tanks going on.

I'm surprised that Unleashed put that purrdy little goby in her tank though! 8O I love how mine re-aquascapes the sand for me every day. Makes it look more interesting and he has such a great personality. 8) And I really like the look of the stucko (sp?) for the back ground, it's very becomeing.

Jolieve your arch looks killer. I can't wait to see what else you do.


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Thanks knowse :)

I can't wait to see what you do with your nano and your pico. Both tanks look way neat!

I also want to see what Unleashed is gonna do about the nuclear reactor on top of her tank, that should be interesting and I like her little goby as well. Cool little fish :)



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Thanks, knowse :)

I do love my goby, I must say..but maybe I just have a thing for engineers :P
You're right about one thing, they sure are interesting fish. Today while I was at work he spent a great deal of time re-landscaping :)
Apparently he has decided that the safest place to live is directly behind my platygyra, with its wicked long stinger tentacles. Smart fish LOL I got up around 1am last night and flipped on the light...damn! the tentacles on that thing are montrous!

Jolieve, I plan to build my cover this Wednesday. Honestly, it's been keeping me up at night trying to figure out the best design for this tank top...let the heat out, keep evaporation under control, have a place to feed, make it strong enough that I can perch a lil bucket on top to drip Kalk if I need to, or RO/DI top-off water. Maybe leave an opening at the back in case I wanna add a mini-refugium someday...the options are endless and I don't wanna build it for nothing :evil:

I recall a while ago reading stuff somewhere about using old Aquaclear HOB's as refugiums...I should dig around and find that info. Might be interesting. I can't add one, I'm already at the 20g legal limit, but in the future it might come in handy for this tank.

This contest is something fun :) :D

Sugar Magnolia

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Unleashed, you can use the AC 300/70 model with an impeller from the AC mini or use the AC 500/110. The impeller in the 500/110 can't be swapped out though, so some have just added baffles to slow the flow down in the larger AC. I didn't bother baffling my 300 since I swapped the impeller and have the intake tube shifted all the way to the right to slow the flow. A replacement Millenium 1000 poly/carbon pad slides in perfectly just to the right of the intake tube and traps gunk before it goes into the fuge chamber. I placed a piece of plexi on the return to keep the chaeto from spilling out into the main tank. Works great!

Good luck to you ladies. Some pretty tough competition going on here!


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Yeah, I've seen that trick as well and have considered it for my little nano, but I have no way to light it easily and I believe the equipment deadline is on the 8th, so I'm going to leave the system as is until the end of the build off and if I find that I need a fuge later, I will use the aquaclear hang on the back.


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