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Recent content by habsfan

  1. moon coral dying

    I've had a moon coral in my tank for about 4 months. In the last couple of weeks it has started to shrink and leave it's skeleton exposed. I'm not sure why though. I feed twice a week with phyto-feast. Other wise no spot feeding. My tank is a 55 gal with 260watt CF. For flow I have two...
  2. Looking for a good auto top off

    I use the top off system from www.autotopoff.com. I bought everything from them. The double control switch, the dosing pump and the tubing. I have a 5 gal. bucket under my 55 display that I need to fill every two weeks roughly. After a year and a half have had no problems.
  3. film on glass

    Thank you lawdawg.
  4. film on glass

    I have to use my mag float daily because I get a green film on my glass. What does this mean and how do I fix it?
  5. MJ upgrade vs koralia

    The mod for $15 doesn't include the mags unfortunately. That would be another $20 bringing the price to $35. The same as the HK 2's. I'm just wondering which would be the best way to go.
  6. MJ upgrade vs koralia

    I am debating between upgrading my MJ 1200's with the algae free/sureflow upgrade kit for $15.00 or purchasing new Hydor Korilia 2's for $34. (Marine depot prices) I was reading reviews at marine depot on the upgrade. Most were good but a couple not so good stating poor quality and excess...
  7. light problem

    I have a 48" Current light with dual 65 W power compacts. In the last two weeks I've observed the light will dim for a few minutes and then will brighten up again. I replaced the tubes about 2 months ago. The light is roughly 4 years old. Could the ballast be going bad?
  8. plumbing question

    I have flexible tubing running from a reservoir under my DT in to my DT for top off water. Currently I just have the tubing duct taped to the frame where the water drains into my tank. Is there some kind of plumbing fixture I could use to neaten this up?? As you may tell I'm not very good with...
  9. what's this?

    This rust colored plume is growing out of my green star polyp. It is soft and flows around with the water current. It is about 3 inches long.
  10. 55 gallon reef?

    I've got a standard size 55 and I have to agree with what Chris said about the rockscaping. Things get really tight with the narrow width. It's also hard to do any vaccuming because of the tight spaces. If I had to do it all over again I would have gotten something with the same higth and...
  11. Cloudy Water

    I purchased a new light for my 29 about a month ago. It contains 1 SunpaQ 10,000K.blue actinic 65 W PC. Before that I had a 17W flourescent. I also removed my cover since it didn't work with the new light. Now my water has been consistently getting cloudier. I do 50% W/C weekly but this...
  12. My experience with hyposalinity/not a good one

    Thanks Chris. I will attempt to get the remaing chromis out of my tank into QT and treat them. They won't leave willingly though!
  13. My experience with hyposalinity/not a good one

    Thanks. That was a lot to digest but I get what to do. Any thoughts on why the two chromis in my DT haven't shown signs of ich? It has been almost one month since I initially saw the signs on the coral beauty.
  14. My experience with hyposalinity/not a good one

    I had what I assumed was an outbreak of ich. My coral beauty had what looked liked grains of salt on its dorsal and tail fins. When I came back from vacation 10 days laters the condition had cleared up. About a week later the coral beauty, gramma and clowfish were developing white spots on the...
  15. Help, it seems white spot disease tp me

    Check out the thread on this forum titled Help Ich Attack. There is some good advice in there.
