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I am debating between upgrading my MJ 1200's with the algae free/sureflow upgrade kit for $15.00 or purchasing new Hydor Korilia 2's for $34. (Marine depot prices)

I was reading reviews at marine depot on the upgrade. Most were good but a couple not so good stating poor quality and excess noise. Plus the upgrade kit still uses suction cups. The magnets are another $25.

The reviews for the HK 2 were good but apparently they are bulky. But they use magnets which is a plus.

I was wondering what other people thought.

These would go in my 55 gal.


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The mod for $15 doesn't include the mags unfortunately. That would be another $20 bringing the price to $35. The same as the HK 2's. I'm just wondering which would be the best way to go.


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hmmm well i have seen lots of negative reviews about the HK's. I hardly EVER see a neg. statement concerning MJ's


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I am not happy with the hydor actually. every now and then the prop stops spinning and you have to take it out and dismantle it and clean it. not that that is a big deal but while it isn't spinning the housing gets very hot. Doesn' seem so safe to me. My MJ's are so many years old and have been in fresh and salt water tanks and are on cycles and never once have failed. I am seriously looking into the upgrade kits with the magnets too. That is the way I would go.


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i love my koralias...in a 55 i might go with two #3's though. they put out a lot of flow, but it is very gentle. i've never had a koralia fail on me, or stall out or anything. they just keep on ticking. i've had maxijets before too. they are great, versatile little pumps, but from my experience they heat up the water pretty quickly. but, to each his own. we all have different experiences with similar or the same products.


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I'd definitely choose the MJ upgrade. The price for an MJ and flow/mag mods is well worth it over a Hydor product.


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I own both the modified maxijets with magnets and the a set of Koralia 4's. I have not had a problem with either pump. From a price/performance point of view, I think the modified maxijet combination is superior to a Koralia 2 due to higher flow. The advantage dissipates when you move up to higher power Koralia's. Lastly, the maxijet's are wavetimer friendly. The Koralia's require an expensive proprietary timer relatively new to thte market.


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paoli, pa
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don't forget the size.
koralias are massive compared to mj's.
if i had a 55, i would not consider a koralia, simply because of the amount of real estate it would take.


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The mj1200 with the sureflow kit will give you more than double the flow of a hk3, it will do 2000 gph, while the HK2 does around 600, hk3 does 850, hk4 does 1250.


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